Hi there everyone. It was great to get replies to my query about diet after bowel obstruction.
Now I have another question - I am (hopefully, bloods permitting) having my 6th and last chemo next Friday. My SCN has sent me details of Niraparib, as she says I need to decide whether to go on it, although she says she has some concerns re my blood, as my blood results have always been very low. I was very dismayed to read the long list of unpleasant side effects! I have been very lucky on chemo, although the dosage was reduced by 20%.
I am a natural insomniac, am BRCA and RHD negative and am 72. Do I take the leap and try it or ‘watch and wait’? I see on another post that new research has brought into doubt the efficacy of PARPs. Now I am really confused!!
Any help, comments from you lovely ladies would be very much appreciated.
wishing you all good things and a happy weekend.
Angela xx