Hello all. My mom just finished her 3rd session of caelyx, had a CT scan, went to oncologist who told her treatment is not working, CA125 is up to 700 ftom 340 and now there is cancer in liver. She was shocked as she had been feeling okay with energy the past two months, with hair growing in nicely, headaches gone and ascites gone.
Now doc says he wants her to do a clinical trial. She is pretty disheartened and not sure if she wants to go that route as he said it could be 10-20% effective and not sure of side effects and with first two lines of chemo had a really hard time. Also it is a good hour drive to cancer centre where she would have to do clinical trial. Her local cancer unit for regular chemo.is just around the corner.
Also asked abour niraparib, but doc said health insurance in Canada does not cover it and is 9000 a month.
Any suggestions? Thank you.