Anyone travelled a long distance to have their... - My Ovacome

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Anyone travelled a long distance to have their debulking op?

Callipygian profile image
16 Replies

Hi, My question is concerning the debulking op. After 3 cancellations on mine, and now being past the optimum time for the surgery to be done, in desperation and hope, my G.P. has referred me to Prof F in London. MY question is, has anyone else travelled such a distance for the op? I have heard from one person on here who has, and she said that she could ony have the op if she agreed to stay on in London for 10 days afterwards, which would not really be an option for me, as I know no-one there. Anyone else have experience of having the op a distance away and then able to come home straight after?

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Callipygian profile image
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16 Replies
Newbie_2020 profile image

Debulking is a major surgery and coming home straight away afterwards is not an option. You could stay a minimum of 5 days in hospital, depending on its extent. I was in for 9 days. Yes, I know of two ladies who travelled a long distance to be operated on by Pro F.

If you have been discharged from the hospital and you still need to be in London, as per the surgeon's instructions, check with the hospital as they have rooms /apartments not far away from Hammersmith Hospital which you can rent at an affordable price.

Callipygian profile image
Callipygian in reply to Newbie_2020

Hi, thanks for replying. Sorry, maybe I should have made clear that I wasn't meaning leaving the hospital straight away after the surgery. What I meant was, after a post op stay in the hospital, then going home at the discharge time. I was asking if there was anyone who had been able to go home after discharge, or whether they had to stay on nearby past the actual discharge time.

Newbie_2020 profile image
Newbie_2020 in reply to Callipygian

Sure! Once discharged by the surgeon/hospital, you'll be able to head home and you'll be under the care of your oncologist.

Callipygian profile image

The person here I PMd was not able to go home at discharge because, like me, she lived hundreds of miles away from London, where she had the op.

My query is, whether staying near the hospital who did the op, for 10 days, if it is hundreds of miles from your home, is always requested by the surgeon?

I'm specifically looking to get info from women who've been in that position, not women who have their op near where they live, as I know you go home after discharge when you live nearby.

Hope my question is utterly clear this time . It's interesting that we don't always realise that how we phrase things is open to misinterpretation. Sorry about that.😧

gwyn64 profile image
gwyn64 in reply to Callipygian

Hi Callipygian,I understqnd the issue you have. I had my surgery with Prof. F who is the best. Why don't you message Prof F or perhaps PALS to discuss your issue and if they can offer suggestions. Best wishes - hope you get it organised. Gwen x

Callipygian profile image
Callipygian in reply to gwyn64

Hi. I'm afraid I have no contact email for Prof F's secretary. It's not available online. And I thought that PALS were there for complaints etc? I guess I have to be patient and just wait for them to contact me. The urgent referral only went in on Thursday, and I've no idea how soon it'll be before I hear back. I guess I'm just trying to ensure that this could actually materialise, and am exploring all the prerequisites for it to happen, so there's hopefully no stumbling block. I'm so terribly anxious after 3 cancellations locally.

Lyndy profile image

A friend who had a different procedure did have to stay locally..he had a friend in London to stay with. This has to be solvable though? Perhaps they could discharge you into the care of your local hospital for follow up? Or perhaps they have a nearby convalescent facility? London hospitals must be used to this kind of issue. Good luck!!

Callipygian profile image
Callipygian in reply to Lyndy

Thanks for the reply, Lyndy. I couldn't afford 10 days in a convalescent place, I'm afraid, and they were phased out under the NHS donkeys years ago. I'm sure it'd cost a bomb.Guess I'll have to wait till I hear back, and then see what's what regarding staying locally. Yes. you would think London hospitals come across this. I can't be the only person who is partnerless and doesn't have friends in London. Thanks again.

Danteandsam profile image

I haven’t had this exact situation and I know your query is very specific. However I have had a total abdominal hysterectomy & I’m a member of a hysterectomy group on Facebook. I was in hospital 3 nights and the journey home was about 40 minutes. It wasn’t pleasant but it was doable. Appreciate hours is worse! There have been ladies on the group who’ve had surgery in London and travelled hours, I remember one came home by taxi. I’ve never heard on there of being required to stay in London. We are usually quite binary in the nhs - you are well enough to go home or ill enough to need to stay. The only issue I can see would be if you had immediate ongoing cancer treatment that you needed to be there for. My personal view is you could get home but would need pain relief and to rest as soon as you get there. You may need some help after though - you won’t go home until you can get around (eg stairs) and you can lift a kettle with 1 cup water / use a roster or microwave / hear something in a small light pan. But no housework cleaning etc for a good few weeks. And we’re all different some ladies need a lot of help because they’re still unwell. I know you’ll get advice if you ask about that on here. Hope you manage to get it sorted :-)

Danteandsam profile image
Danteandsam in reply to Danteandsam

Lol use a toaster not roster!! Aargh auto correct heat something not hear it.

Callipygian profile image
Callipygian in reply to Danteandsam

Lol. I find, with the peripheral neurpopathy in my fingers, that this kind of thing happens to me all the time, especially if I try to type on my phone. Thanks for replying. I do have a care agency lined up for afterwards, for cleaning etc. (as I know they are double vaccinated and wear PPE). In fact, they've already started, so they know where the hoovers are etc. I've also enquired abut patient transport, and they can take me and bring me back, no problem. The only person who's PMd me had to stay on in London for 10 days, but didn't know if everyone had to do that. So, thought I'd post and ask that.

Danteandsam profile image
Danteandsam in reply to Callipygian

Yes it’s the phone factor for me too! I hope you get some answers that help. I have to say I’ve been on the Facebook site a while and never seen anyone say this, but they are ladies having surgery for many issues not just cancer. I was cancelled once I can’t imagine the stress of 3 times, do feel for you.

SUE7777 profile image

Professor Christina's contact at Hammersmith Contact


020 3313 3274, 020 3313 3268

Marie Bouton, secretary

Good luck, she's the best!

Callipygian profile image

Thanks so much for that! I'll phone Monday and see what I can find out.

JayneWilkinson profile image

Hi, I had to travel from Devon for surgery with prof F. When I first met her the nurse was able to give me some information about hospital accommodation that I could use after being released from hospital to recover, my husband was able to stay there while is was in hospital as well. The accommodation was about 200 yards away from Hammersmith hospital. It cost about £60 a night, this was 2 years ago though. Hope this helps.

Callipygian profile image
Callipygian in reply to JayneWilkinson

Thanks very much for letting me know, Jayne. I'll see what I can find out further about this. It may still be a problem if I were told I'd have to have someone with me. My daughter starts a brand new job tomorrow and couldn't take time off to be in London. And my friends would also not be able to travel to London and take time off from their commitments. I'm now thinking that perhaps it's a non-starter, sadly.

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