Re: Soya Milk & Soy foods : Contains plant estrogens (phyto-estrogens).... Hello there, i've finished 6 cycles of Chemo and interval debulking surgery and my CA125 has dropped from 3000 at first diagnosis to 7, which is fantastic!!! I'm now continueing on Avastin alone for 18 cycles. I was wondering if any of you vegetarians would know if it's safe to drink Soya Milk (or eat Soya mince), as I've been told that the Ovarian Cancer (Peritoneal Cancer) is hormone sensitive and was advised not to take HRT after I had a full hysterectomy (for treatment of O.C.). I've also been told by a naturopath that i'm dairy intolerant and not to have too much dairy, so I've switched to Soya Milk / Soya yogurt instead. But now, i'm a bit worried as I've been told by my Oncologist that there's no data to show the long-term effects of Soya (plant estrogens) on people who've had Ovarian Cancer and whether it could cause a recurrence? My friend who had Breast Cancer 15 years ago was told to be careful to not have too much soya, in case it increased the risk of a recurrence. I wondered if anyone had any information about this? I guess the sensible thing to do is limit the amount of Soya products and alternative other non-dairy milks like almond milk or Quorn mince etc. Thanks in advance for any information! Wishing you all a Happy & Healthy New Year! Debbie x
Re: Soya Milk & Soy foods : plant estrogens (ph... - My Ovacome
Re: Soya Milk & Soy foods : plant estrogens (phyto-estrogens)

First of all congratulations on your low CA125 that's brilliant news!!. Ive actually switched to a non dairy diet and vegetarian. I drink soy milk and eat Quorn. I went to an ovacome conference some years back and the dietician did a talk and said it was ok to eat Quorn and drink soy milk but a definite NO to soy supplements. I cannot remember the reason why at the tine. I think the link below maybe useful for you. It states that soy products does not increasevtge rusk if breast cancer by scientusts. All the best.
Thanks win_56 for sending me the link about vegetarian diet, and Soy milk / Quorn products. It's very interesting to read. So I guess that as there's scientific evidence to show no increased risk of breast cancer from Soya products, so hopefully none for Ovarian Cancer either, as there's a very low level of Isoflavones in soya products. Good advice about NOT taking any Soy that would incur a higher intake of Isoflavones. Thanks for sending me the the link .... it was very helpful! I hope you are doing well now. Take care, Debbie 😀
metro-co-uk.cdn.ampproject.... ft mo no
Hi DebbieNo useful info for you but wanted to say CA125 result is brilliant. Long may it continue.
Oh dear! I am mainly veggie and usually have soya milk in porridge, tea, etc. Also use quorn a lot in meals. I sort of remember someone telling me its oestrogen could cause cancer. I better get googling. Congrats on CA125! Oh just found this: suggesting soy is good. Confused now ... xx
Hi Candyapplegrey....the lady at the top of my replies has sent me this very useful link re: Soya & Quorn products, which has put my mind at may be of interest to you too, here's the link: metro-co-uk.cdn.ampproject.... ft mo no
Hi. I drink soy milk as cow milk no good for arthritis. I think it depends on how sensitive your cells are to estrogen.
Hi Debbie. Congratulations on excellent results. From everything I researched, there is more info to say soy is helpful in cancer and some saying the opposite. When I ask my GYN Oncs, they said it’s ok to eat
(Continued). Soybeans, tofu and drink Soy milk. I’ve never heard of Quorn...
Continue doing well and staying healthy. Best, Nadie A little article on Quorn