Two very frustrating experiences. Cancer is not... - My Ovacome

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Two very frustrating experiences. Cancer is not always the problem.

Natsmb profile image
10 Replies

Since I have stopped my chemotherapy treatment, I have been looking into other options. It's interesting . I did not know this until I did some research recently but in the us, oncologists are the only group of doctors out of the medical practice that are allowed to make a profit from writing prescriptions for chemotherapy. While other doctors May simply write prescriptions, and there may be some minor compensations for being the doctor that prescribes the most XYZ prescription and get a free dinner at a convention for doing so etc. Oncologists actually purchase the chemotherapy drugs wholesale then Mark up the prices and whatever the insurance company will pay outside of the wholesale cost, that money goes into the doctor's pocket.

It's not to say that I do not trust my particular oncologist. I actually do. He's a very trustworthy doctor and he was very careful to offer me options that he believed were scientifically backed up by the lab results from the genetic testing and so on.

But following my decision to stop the chemotherapy drug I was on, I looked for a second and third opinion in a few other medical communities.

I had my first questionable encounter with an oncology doctor. I will not share details about where I went but when I went in to see this oncologist, initially, he took a nice amount of time to chat with me and ask about my experience was with my prior medications and why my decision to stop the drug I was on. We talked at length and I have many very valid reasons for why I needed to stop that drug.

After listening to me, he big fat spent a tiny bit of time looking over my history. I'm not delusional, I understand that doctors are very busy people and I did not expect him to do a lot of research prior to meeting me but it felt like he had not done anything other than have a preconceived notion of what he was going to suggest to me. I was very irritated. I felt like this was a waste of my time. Because after briefly reading through my case, he pulled out a piece of paper that was clearly already pre-printed and big fat suggested I go right back on the drug that I had just stopped and add another nasty drug right on top of it. It was very frustrating. It is a huge, HUGE effort nowadays for me to get up, get dressed and showered, get in the car, drive an hour and a half to this medical facility, park, navigate through a huge campus, wait in a waiting room for an indefinite period of time until I am called out for the appointment. Nevertheless, I made the effort because I wanted to do my due diligence. And after all of that, after taking great pains prior to setting this appointment, explaining what was going on and why I wanted to see him, he has nothing new to offer me.

I have never been so angry in my life.if he was just going to offer me the exact same drug that my current oncologist was offering, why did he encourage me to go through the efforts to to see him? He had nothing new to offer. He did have an extremely expensive suit. that suit could not have cost him under six grand. I used to work in the men's department of clothing store for one brief moment of my life and I know what good men's suits cost. So when I went back home I did some research and this is what I had found.

Someone called just can make as much as $3,000 off of one cycle of chemotherapy. I don't know how much my particular chemotherapy would have generated him but I don't trust for one minute that he wasn't seeking to make a buck off my misery. So I'm pretty mad about that period but I'm going to let it go.

The second thing I'm kind of frustrated with is that I've been dealing with abdominal swelling and pain and inflammation and bloating for- it feels like at least a year now. Over the next several months since I started feeling this way, I brought up my concerns over it and how miserable I was. I brought it up with my GP and oncologist and an ER doctor, CR doctors actually, and my pulmonologist and my heart doctor and I can't even remember who period I kept bringing it up over and over and stressing him I felt this was a big deal not a little one. I got the, "head tilt, " Oh we're so sorry, it's related to your cancer.", attitude from just about every one of them period including my oncologist whom I generally feel has a very sympathetic and proactive response to my concerns. I thought it might be an ulcer, I was worried that it might be a hiatal hernia, and I kept asking for testing etc. I was kind of blown off. Let's not mince words. I was blown off. And at some point I requested to be referred to a gastroenterologist. But since none of the doctors I spoke with considered it an emergency, they just sent me a referral and since gastroenterologists are in high demand here (given America's love of really bad foods and horrible eating habits), I was placed at the end of the line and the soonest available appointment was many many months out period in fact I think March 27th was the first available appointment with the only available gastroenterologist that was taking patients at the time! so of course I was on hold waiting for this appointment to get any attention whatsoever to deal with this horrible debilitating condition I was dealing with for over a year! A YEAR!!!

The abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, bloating, inflammation, and severe bowel problems continued. Just less than two weeks ago I spoke with my natural path doctor. He is a neurologist by profession and has retired and turned to naturopath / medical.

By this time I was almost completely debilitated. I was throwing everything up almost all of the time . I would wake up throwing up for over 2 hours in the morning even if there was nothing in my stomach to throw up. I went from 127 lb down to 109 in about 4 weeks. I could hardly eat and I could actually hardly breathe. My symptoms were such that after I ate it was like I had to strain for breath. It was a horrible horrible feeling and I was dealing with this for months.

About 20 seconds into listening me talk about this my naturopath doctor asks me to get a lab test for h pylori. turns out I had it. Also turns out that avastin, the drug I was on in my research shows that about 15% of patients end up with gastrointestinal ulcers. Now I have to ask you, if this is true, why didn't my doctors believe me when I reiterated that I was on a vastin and then I felt it was the source of my problem and that I felt like I had an ulcer period and every single one of my symptoms that I was complaining about all together in one big lump every time I talked to a doctor our verbatim what an ulcer symptom is?!

Anyway, I am thankful that it's been treated. I'm frustrated that I had to deal with this for so long and that I've dropped so much weight. It's hard enough keeping weight on as it is and now at 59 I'm still dealing with 111 lb and having lost way more weight than I should. I will also tell you that it couldn't have come too soon. I was so sick and dropping weight so fast in the last week before I got the medicine that I am certain I would have been dead before I could see my gastroenterologist.

I hope this helps other people. I don't know how it will help but I know that sometimes hearing experiences from others can give you encouragement to follow your own intuition and instincts and push through. I'm very grateful to this doctor.

I'm interested in hearing of other people's experiences and I hope that if any of you are dealing with similar symptoms and have any questions please ask me. I wish you all the best.

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Natsmb profile image
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10 Replies
Tesla_7US profile image

Natsmb, I'm shocked at the negligence of your doctors. This is a very frightening description of a care system that seems to not care. I'm grateful to hear it's finally been sorted, but angry you had to experience such incompetence.

bamboo89 profile image

I'm sorry you've been having such a dreadful time and finding it difficult to get medical help. Unfortunately, what you describe in respect of oncology drugs is one of the major drawbacks of the private American healthcare system - I did know about this, even though I'm in the UK. It's one of the reasons why 'big Pharma' is treated with deep suspicion in the States because it is believed they are in cahoots with doctors, and certainly there seems to be evidence that, in some cases, that may well be true. That said 'big pharma' is not something I trust particularly either, but that's another story and largely unrelated to medicines.

A healthcare system should provide what the patient needs, and in such a way that the people who work in the healthcare system do not make a profit from any of it, for obvious reasons. Inevitably, an insurance based health system is open to this sort of abuse, which is one of the reasons most of us in the UK are desperate to hang on to our NHS - its not perfect, but generally does a good job.

As a sufferer myself of infection with H. pylori, I can give testament to how unpleasant it is - it is the reason I've been on acid control drugs for early 30 years, but nonetheless have a duodenal erosion because of it. The drugs have controlled the symptoms,its just a pity I could not take all the antibiotics necessary to try to kill it off... Is your naturopath treating the H. pylori, what with,and is it helping?


Natsmb profile image
Natsmb in reply to bamboo89

I paid out of pocket for a drug called Telecia. It seems to be working at the moment . I am still on it and have to yet to complete the treatment. It may have been expensive but it was worth it. My naturopath agreed with what you said which was pay the money up front and just try to get rid of it all together instead of controlling it.

bamboo89 profile image
bamboo89 in reply to Natsmb

I just looked up that drug - not an option for me, privately or otherwise because it contains amoxicillin, which is penicillin and to which I am allergic. I'm allergic to more than 5 antibiotics, which is why I can't take a combination to get rid of my unwelcome resident....

Hope it clears yours...'


Natsmb profile image
Natsmb in reply to bamboo89

Uugh! I am so sorry! That is a really yucky position to be in- if I was allergic to amoxicillin I would not be alive today. I think the infection took control after a couple of the surgeries I had because that is about the time I started this horrible throwing up thing. Then I got Covid-19 from one of my caregivers and from then on I started losing about a 1/4 lb. a day! I started feeling worse and worse- to the point I was losing 1/2 lb. a day of weight, dropped to 104lb. (I am 5'9") and was throwing up non-stop, couldn't leave the bed, couldn't even lift up my hands to get drink water. The hospital was threatening to put me in hospice because with all my food allergies even a feeding tube wasn't an option- all the infection was in my intestines. I stopped feeling my feet and hands, I couldn't take a real breath because my esophagus and everything else was a mass of inflammation. I told my mom, who is taking care of me- bless her heart (she is 68 years old with arthritis, she lost her eldest son, my brother, to a terrible plane crash, my father to cancer just 3 years ago, and is now taking care of my sister who has been severely disabled with rheumatoid arthritis, and me for the last three years) that I just needed to die quickly- I was so miserable. That day, the medicine came in and I was able to start taking it. Thank you God for credit cards!

It took about 3 days before I noticed an improvement. I wish there was some way you could get rid of the infection but as far as I and my doc know, the Talicia is the only really tough treatment out there at the moment.

I don't know how you do it. You must be very determined and strong. I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy. When President Trump got Covid and a lot of people were acting super thrilled I just thought, "Oh no. I wouldn't even want to touch that karma! It is NASTY! A very NASTY virus with very bad side effects- and mine was the mild one and it nearly killed me because of how badly it weakens your immune system.

I wish and pray you all the best in dealing with this. It is very difficult to manage. Hugs!

bamboo89 profile image
bamboo89 in reply to Natsmb

Thanks for your good wishes, but it sounds like your condition was much worse than mine. I was given Ranitidine about 25 years ago for excess stomach acid (obviously caused by the undiagnosed helicobacter) and that has got me through all these years without too much trouble. It was only 20 years later I had a gastroscopy with samples taken and that;'s when they diagnosed helicobacter pylori. I did notice an improvement in heartburn symptoms after I changed my diet to more or less vegan with very few cakes, sweets or sugar and particularly no cheese, and was able to reduce the ranitidine to one a day. I was rather hoping the carboplatin I had recently might have killed it off, but no idea if it has or hasn't, though its true to say I've had no heartburn at all since! Still take one ranitidine at bedtime, but unfortunately, it has been withdrawn from market, so my doc has come up with an alternative for me to use when my supply runs out that is not one of the 'prazoles' as in omeprazole and the like - they don't work for me, they give me heartburn within 20 minutes of swallowing one... As for antibiotics, I can at least still take erythromycin... I'll be in serious trouble if that changes!

Your poor mother, so much loss and difficulty to deal with ... But we just have to keep on keeping on, don't we... take care


Sashay2020 profile image

Natsmb, it really sounds as though you have been through the wringer! I can only hope that your treatment goes more smoothly in the future. I’m in the US and I have noticed in recent years that there seems to be fewer doctors that maintain a private independent practice. So many have pretty much been forced to become employees of big hospital systems. This happened to my cardiologist and to my pulmonologist. I found your comment that oncologists are making big bucks on the chemo drugs they prescribe very interesting. Can you possibly provide the source of that information? I would like to read more about it. Thanks and

Best wishes from Louisiana


Natsmb profile image

Cancer Docs Profit From Chemo Therapy Drugs


Rehema Harris


this is one of the articles I found. You have to look it up because I can't figure out how to share it on here. I found conflicting reports but who knows. All I know is my experience with that one doctor really ticked me off. I did not feel that way with my other oncologist who by the way runs a private practice but is associated with a hospital.

Natsmb profile image

As I went to the ER with this situation I consider them negligent. And to my GP. And I complained about it and they should have made the effort. They should have checked. I went multiple times because it was so painful and miserable. I think the situation with my oncologist and pulmonologist seem to be one of specialty syndrome. It's a problem I seem to find with doctors who are in a specialty. They're so hyper focused on that particular specialty IE cancer or lung disease that they don't consider possibilities outside of that because their experience so often is that it's related to their specialty. But my general practitioner should have had a much better perspective period I am not sure why she did but I have had a chance yet to discuss this with her which I will be doing shortly as soon as I am hopefully better. What I'd like to do is make sure I get better before I get to complaining too much.

Realistic profile image

It’s just appalling what you’ve been through , l feel like my hospital just

Palms you off. We’re all human beings and it’s just not good enough

Stressful enough all we’ve been through without being put on one side

And using the COVID-19 is just not good enough as far as l am concerned

Thank goodness you sound an extremely strong woman

But what your going through is just so wrong. Your

Obviously in America, but it’s not different here in England at the moment, that’s why we’ve gone on holiday 11 Weeks just had enough Of the system

and what’s not going on. I wonder if all the doctors would

Let there own wife’s or mothers suffer without treatments. Good luck try and stay positive and keep

Fighting. Sending love & hugs to you all.

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