After 6 chemo's and now on Avastin, my postponed (debulking) surgery is to take place on Monday 8th June. I'm not looking forward to it, but will be glad to get it over and done with. I hope all you other ladies are also now receiving your delayed treatment. Jan. x.
Surgery now taking place.: After 6 chemo's and... - My Ovacome
Surgery now taking place.

I shall be thinking of you on Monday. I hope everything goes very well and you'll have an optimal debulking and a speedy recovery. All the very best.
Hope all goes well for you Jan. wishing you a good recovery
💐 Jenny x

Thank you. x.
So pleased that you are having your surgery on Monday & I hope all goes well for you.
Best wishes, Caleda xx
Good Luck.............Its really not as bad as you are probably imagining. xx

Yes, I am imagining all sorts of things. Thanks. x.
Good luck with your surgery, the people that I’ve talked to that have had the surgery themselves have always been very positive about the outcomes.
2 years ago yesterday I had radical hysterectomy, omentum and most of my peritoneum removed after stage 4 b diagnosis following chemo, and followed by chemo then avastin. Made good recovery and now enjoying my borrowed time to the max. Feeling blessed - stay strong and above all positive x wishing you a good outcome xx
I hope all goes well with your surgery and you recover quickly from the operation.
Bless you. You’ll manage it. It’s understandable you’re anxious about it - better out than in! Hope you sail through it & have a speedy recovery.
I’ve had 2 debulking ops within 2 years of each other ( Feb 2018 & Jan 2020). It was quite different for my recovery each time. I was well looked after on both occasions.
I was told by my amazing surgeon to eat a high protein diet before my 2nd surgery - to help with repair after surgery.
You take good care & best wishes xx
Thanks for the tip about high protein uptake. My albumin levels are currently low. Could you please share a few tips on what you are having
I have been having protein with every meal (mostly animal protein and a bit of pulses, as no longer digest properly with chemo) and a snack that has protein, too, such as nut butter, yogurt . I tried the drinks, as recommended by the nutritionist, although not convinced for they have high sugar content and additives - I couldn't tolerate them, taste and smell. I bought the protein powder but unfortunately, I couldn't digest the whey protein.
Bless you.
I just had lean meat
( particularly steak - for its iron content too ), eggs, protein bars ( which were fairly high in sugar but I didn’t have them for long), fish, nuts, milk, cheese.
Lots of veg & lowered carbs.
I wish you all the best for your op. Lots of good advice from others too about your hospital stay & discharge.
The bowel does tend to go to sleep for a while after the op.
Before my 2nd op they gave me meds to empty my bowels in readiness for the op. If this isn’t suggested, please ask about having some ( I had some complications after my first op as this wasn’t done).
All that protein will help repair you after.
Once you feel up to it, please let us know how you get on.
Take care xx
Thanks very much for all the tips. My diet is very similar to yours except I eat more lamb than beef. Venison in Winter for high iron content.
My surgery is still not scheduled as yet as they have not gone back to full lists. I have been recommended a 4th round of chemo. After that it has to be 4-5 weeks till the surgery.
Glad you have a plan & you’re preparing for your surgery.
My first surgery was done within a week after a meeting with my surgeon following an MRI scan result. My 15 weeks of chemo followed ( 5 cycles, was supposed to be 6 but my body had had enough).
It was all such a shock so it caught up with me after 1st line treatment.
The waiting must be so hard. I feel for you.
I’ve just finished another 6 cycles of chemo ( every 3 weeks) after my 2nd surgery in Jan 2020.
We just want to give ourselves the best chance of being long term NED & enjoying our lives as much as we can, don't we? xx
Good luck with your surgery on Monday, they will take good care of you & you will be fine. I had my surgery just over a year ago & am back walking 6kms everyday, cycling & gardening . Thinking of you & let me know when you have recovered from your op that you are doing ok Xx
I found the surgery easier than I anticipated. Hope this is your experience too. Good luck with it
Hi, I think we all understand your thoughts re the surgery because we know from experience. It’s nowhere near as bad as you might imagine, it’s major surgery so it’s quite painful but you would expect it to be really, I found the relief that it had been done quite profound and felt big steps had been taken on the road to dealing with our disease and the recovery.
Just a few practical points, have nighties for your hospital stay, they’re far more comfy than pj’s, you’ll most likely have a vertical wound, take good fitting slippers to walk in, you’ll mobilise fairly quickly and need good footwear to be safe. Maybe take nice wipes and hand lotion to help keep you fresh. A good book and/or iPad to help pass time (especially with low visitor numbers at present). Loose fitting clothes and safe shoes for discharge (same reason for pj’s). I had two pillows for the journey home, one to sit on in the car so getting in and out was easier and the other one to put over my tummy to protect it from the seatbelt.
Once home keep gently mobile and do not lift anything bigger than a cuppa for the first few days. You’ll be tired and if you need to rest it’s important to do so. The hospital will give you drugs for both the pain and your bowels, take them, they’re there for a purpose. Try to eat plenty of healthy and nutritious food and stay well hydrated. Our bowels become really sluggish after this surgery and you may find that you’re a bit windy too this can be uncomfortable, peppermint is great to help settle this, if you need to fart do so, it’s a good sign the bowels are starting to get active again .
If people want to help you let them, especially with cooking and housework but if visitors are becoming tiring gently ask them to let you rest, they’ll understand.
You can do this lovely, we have all been there so know how you feel and we will all be there for you in spirit on Monday, big virtual hugs and love ❤️Xx Jane
Hi Jan
Best wishes for your op and recovery. Cropcrop Jane has given lots of brill tips. I have had 3 open surgeries now (for low grade) and each time found easier than I thought and recovered well. Best wishes. Gwen
Good luck
Good luck with surgery. I was also diagnosed with stsge 3c ovsrian cancer and had my ovaries tubes and omentium removed by surgery. I had 42 staples and im not goibg ssy its not paimful or sore for 1st few days specially trying turn over but a week in hospital by time i came home i was slightly more comfortable and felt more back to normal in 4 weeks
That’s a good step. Wishing you the best for Monday Jan x
Wishing you the best ❤️
Thank you all for your lovely messages of support. I think the waiting is the worse. Can't wait for next week to be over with. Love to you all. Jan. XXX.
Hi Jan ,
I had three cycles of carbo /taxol followed with three carbo ,then surgery followed by three more carbo/taxol ,I'm now Ned , ,hoping your surgery goes well ( it will) and you get the best results you could wish for .I was terrified of surgery but it wasn't as bad as I thought ,will be thinking of you , you'll be well looked after,sending hugs. Xx
Mind to please ask, has pre-surgery chemo helped and had a good go and shrunk the tumours?
Hoping it goes well for you today and you’re up and about soon. Don’t worry if you can’t eat for a while. Peppermint tea was all I could face. Have a cushion for your trip home to put between you and the seat belt. Hope you can access tv or Netflix. A gentle walk and a shower were the Milestones I had in my head. The doc wanted them to be a much more lavatorial. Just take it steady. And keep drinking fluids.
Thinking of you
Alex. X