Hi ladies,
Is it okay to take our dog for a walk once a day.
Rarely meet anyone.
On watch and wait 12 weeks since finished third line chemo.
Hi ladies,
Is it okay to take our dog for a walk once a day.
Rarely meet anyone.
On watch and wait 12 weeks since finished third line chemo.
Yes- keep 2 metres away from anyone else.
I live in the US and my State has no lockdown yet just physical distancing. I am self isolating but get out and ride my bike every day. Yes, animals need the fresh air as well as we do. Just follow the directions of distancing and you will be ok. Be sure to wash your hands every time you come back into the house.
Hi Janet
Yes walking the dog is fine as long as you observe the two metre distancing from others; unless you’re in the vulnerable category and the NHS texts say to stay indoors.
Yes, so long as you haven’t been told by the NHS to isolate the government says it’s ok to exercise once a day so walking your pooch qualifies you I’d say but keep a safe distance. ❤️Xx Jane
Hello janwen52
The Government's guidance on who is defined as 'extremely vulnerable' includes people having chemotherapy for cancer. You can find the guidance at:
The One Cancer Voice group of charities has developed some advice about COVID-19 for people affected by cancer, which says that people having chemotherapy, or who have received chemotherapy in the last 3 months, are more at risk of becoming seriously ill if they contract the COVID-19 infection. You can find that advice at:
As you've had chemotherapy within the last three months or so, your team would be able to give you specific advice about what steps to take.
Best wishes
Julia (Support Services Officer)
Thanks so much for reply. Contacted CNS who said okay as long as I keep at distance.
Looking forward to nice afternoon walk!
So glad, for you and your pooch, that you have been given the ok. Our local woods are almost on our doorstep so, although I am at risk (but not high risk) I have been going out for walks several times a week since this all kicked off. I would go stir crazy if I couldn't get out at all. Thinking of getting the push bike out soon. I have to go in the mornings though and get back before 12.00 (noon not midnight) because the woods start getting very crowded lol.
Hi Jackie,thanks for reply. Our local wood is also a five minute walk away. We have a very temperamental dog so avoid other dog walkers and they avoid us. Quite good under these circumstances.
Take care and enjoy your bike rides!
I’m confused about this. The letter makes it sound as if we shouldn’t go out at all. It was all right to walk safely yesterday but not today!!! Cheesed off.