Discovered my septated cyst ruptured when I had left ovary and 2 tubes removed. Good chance might be alignment and have appointment few days for results of biopsy.stressing big tie as secretary rang me but couldn't give me any results. As far as I'm aware my ca125 is low from before operation. Anyone else been same situation with what rather know instead this waiting.
Ruptured ovarian cyst removal : Discovered my... - My Ovacome
Ruptured ovarian cyst removal

Sorry do not have any experience of this myself but just wanted to say hang on in there. Waiting for information is always the worst.
Sending you lots of good wishes
I had a large ovarian cyst and ovary removed earlier this month. The provisional results are borderline ovarian tumour so I'm awaiting further tests and MRI results to understand more (can't have a CT yet as pregnant). I would try to stay positive until you receive your results although I know how hard it is! Most cysts are benign so fingers crossed for you X
Thank you for your reply. its soo stressful! was your cyst septated?
I had the consultants secretary phone me yesterday saying results are back, so have wait 4 more days to hear results. hoping i don't have to receive more surgery.
keep us posted on your progress and im now just focusing on day by day and that at least im getting treated quickly.
god bless and we will be all good...x
Hi Jacqui I hadn't heard of the term septated before but as far as I know I had a fluid filled cyst around 14cm. It was extremely painful too. From looking online, septated are mostly benign so sending all best wishes that yours is too. Hopefully they got it all out during your surgery, if it ruptured they probably did a wash-out to make sure. When the secretary called me she asked me to come in that very day so I knew something wasn't right then as I was meant to receive the results by post. It's really stressful but I agree one day at a time is the best attitude and you don't have long to wait now X
Hi Jacqui, I also had a ruptured cyst 10 days before the planned surgical removal. The delay was due to Christmas and theatres closed and Dr. On holidays. Anyway I was classified as 1c2 endometroid. I had all the surgeries and chemo. That was 4 years ago and I am doing great. The experience while traumatic, made me a stronger more confident assertive person. I was careful who I told as I didn't want to become the centre of the gossip industry. This is just one chapter in your story and not the whole book. I wish you all the best.