Anyone else in here suffering from side effects not mentioned? Facial flushing and extreme sweating face and neck during day is driving me mad!! Also stomach cramps that come and go with dull back ache? Hoping it’s sides effects of drug and nothing else occurring. Thanks xx
Niraparib : Anyone else in here suffering from... - My Ovacome

Hi Sam I have same, facial flushing, my son says I look like I've been to Bahama s because I am also sun sensitive and even though I use factor 50 and stay in shade whenever possible in have tanned! Yes really even withnour English weather! I also get stomach pains, backache, bit of heartburn at night and insomnia. I've been on niraparib nearly 5 months but I do feel well and much better than chemothe. Good luck with your symptoms, keep amwet flannel handy!! X josnie
Thanks for reply. Yes I too also tan better than before even with factor 50! Ah so seems side effects perhaps...yeh I also get heartburn and insomnia. I’m on cycle 8 and generally feel much better than on chemo. Just the beetroot face and sweaty hair!!! Fingers crossed it’s the tablets then. Last bloods were 38 and ct scan in May showed no progression and no spreading. Just got a negative feeling 🤔😢xz
I have to say, the head sweating bit is interesting. It’s been so unusually hot here that my head has been sweating a great deal, but I chalked that up to being run down by the previous Chemos.
But no tummy aches.
I usually wake up with a mild headache, take aspirin and Omeprazole, wait an hour and then take my Niraparib.
If I do too much during the day, like gardening for more than an hour, shopping and walking around for 2 hours, my legs, hips thighs and calves hurt.
But I recover after a nights sleep.
I am very thirsty all the time.
But that’s it.
Usually, I feel great.
I go in for my 3 month check up on Monday, so I hope my scan shows NED and my CA-125 goes down to 10.
Hugs to you all,
Hi. I've been on Niraparib for 21 months and I also suffer from a very hot head - I've all but given up wearing makeup as I can see the perspiration gathering as I try to apply it. I keep a fan on my dressing table and direct it at my face to try and stay cool enough to get ready. Driving I have the car fans going full blast, and carry a folding fan in every handbag. It doesn't help that I need to wear a hat in all but the cloudiest weather as I'm extremely sensitive to the sun. I very often have have stomach pains when I wake but they settle quickly. When I have more severe cramps, I've put that down to having a stoma, as it's ridiculously easy to get constipated. I still worry though, every time I get cramps, as it's reminiscent of the symptoms I had before being diagnosed, but my CA125 has been stable at between 19 and 22 for months. Going for blood tests later, so really hoping it continues, but the fear never leaves you, which only those in a similar situation can fully understand. I just try to put it to the back of my mind and get on with enjoying the life I didn't expect to have when I was diagnosed. xx
Hi, yes, I to am a member of the beetroot face club! We would certainly be able to recognize each other if we meet up, I would suggest meeting in a large ice cream freezer! Sorry the heat is affecting my head even though I am bald. Hope you all enjoy the summer without to much sweat, roll on winter. ( I can't believe I said that!)
pat x