Hi has anyone else had a recurrence within a month of surgery? I am convinced it is back, I have swelling on the left side, the same niggling pain and bleeding I had before I have showed friends and family to ensure it wasn't just me cracking up and they can see the bulge too has anyone else had a recurrence so soon after? I had a 20cm borderline tumour they removed right ovary and tube on 5th Feb x
Recurrence within one month of surgery - My Ovacome
Recurrence within one month of surgery

Dear Sabby,
you need to get yourself back to the surgeon ASAP.
Maybe call your CNS or your GP immediately.
Possibly, take yourself to A&E or even better, since you are bleeding, call 911 and get an ambulance to take you in straight away.
This does not seem like a recurrence. It sounds like something is wrong from the surgery.
Let us know how you do.
Thanks, I went to the gp yest they didn't want to touch me cos they have none of my notes from surgery etc and told me to see private consultant I'm going this morn, it will be my last apt with him as the follow up was included in the package I just pray I get a good nhs consultant soon, feeling very alone in all this 😢 x
I have a bulge following surgery, and it is an incisional hernia, which seems to be quite common. The bleeding however is another thing altogether, and needs checking.
I, too, had bleeding a couple of weeks after surgery. I got it checked out quickly by bringing forward my post op consultation and it was nothing to worry about plus I am covered in lumps and bumps. Best to get it checked out though - how disappointing that your GP was not more helpful, hopefully your private consultant will be able to tell you what is going on. Good luck - try not to worry (I know - easier said than done!!)
Jenny xx
Hi all, just an update I went to see the private consultant who couldn't explain the irregular bleeding (only 19days since my last period and bleeding again), bleeding after intercourse or the swelling on the left he just confirmed it wasnt an hernia and said if it is back it would grow slow so try not to worry easier said than done I'm getting the dull ache again too now!, he sent my notes to the nhs for follow up i rang this morn they still haven't received anything, I feel like no one is listening to me 😢 anyway just needed to offload! hope all is well with u guys x