Has anyone been offered a laparoscopy after a recurrence as they are not sure they can see mine on a CT scan. I will find out tomorrow as I'm having another scan today but as the last one 2 months ago was clear, it could be clear again. It is suspected that it is growing in small bits all over the abdomen.
Laparoscopy after recurrence of cancer - My Ovacome
Laparoscopy after recurrence of cancer

With my 1st recurrence last year after taking internal biopsys , consultant did not think they would be conclusive and said he may need to do laparoscopy. Fortunately for me I didnt need it as biopsys and scan put me on 2nd round of chemo. I am back on the merrry go around and waiting for MRI scan and then maybe radiotherapy. A laparoscopy can be helpful as while they are doing their exloratry surgery they may find something that can be removed. Hope all goes well with the scan I wil be waiting to here your news, just take each day at a time and you will get over his hurdle. Love xx
Dear Lovis
A laparoscopy was discussed at recurrence when I started at my new hospital. It wasn't on the agenda in Wales so I was really pleased to have the additional option. In the end my new hospital did a PET scan which showed up what they wanted to see. I also have bits and bobs all over the abdomen and have had 3 good years so far so don't let it worry you too much if you can help it. It sounds as though you are in really good hands in your cancer centre.
I hope the scan results are helpful. If they decide on a laparoscopy too then it could be really helpful.
Let us know how you get on. xxx love Annie
I have primary peritoneal cancer and this is v scattered and small small tumours. It does not always all show up on the scan. I have had 2 laparoscopies. One so they coup diagnose me and get a sample of the tumours. The second time was to see if I was suitable for surgery after my recurrence. Sadly both times it was felt I was unsuitable for surgery as my disease was too scattered. I did not find the procedure too bad and it was done as a day case.
Hi yes I've had this. It involves a general anaesthetic but no post operative pain. They found that the small intestine had small bits all over the place which had not showed up on the scan. It was therefore inoperable. I'm now on Caelyx for 2nd line.
I wish you love and strength and fingers crossed that they can remove what is there and that it is in a small number of areas.
This is interesting I have low grade disease which is often difficult to see on a CT scan but I have never been offered a laparoscopy or a PET scan and my CA125 started raising last year but I wasn't given any treatment until there was evidence of new disease on my scan.
Have been lucky enough so far not to have experienced that but am wishing you good luck with your result xx