Has anyone had recurrence without their ca count changing
Recurrence : Has anyone had recurrence without... - My Ovacome

I think you've got a case of what our American friends call scanxiety. Can you call your CNS in the morning to try to find out what's going on? I hope you get an early appointment. Meanwhile, have a stiff drink if that rocks your boat and try to relax. In answer to your question, CA125 is an imperfect tool, and some can have a recurrence - or residual disease - with a normal count. Best, Vx
Yep. I have had 2 recurrence s with my ca125 staying at 7 or 8. Scans 3 monthly for me now.
I've had a raised CA125 without any sign of recurrence but not the other way round. Just goes to show how we're all very different. How are you feeling generally? xx
My ca125 is usually normal, whether I have a recurrence or not. I am on my 4th recurrence, & currently have several small tumours, which were first seen on a scan I had at the end of March 2013. A few weeks ago, my ca125 was 6. Because it hasn't been a problem, I don't worry about it, & don't ask about it very often.
I am also of the variety who gives a false negative in ca 125 except when on treatment, it is then a useful tool. If you are clinically well eat, exercising, not tired or in any pain well that is a plus. If you are in any doubt, you consultant has a duty of care to order a scan. They dont like doing it and again it varies from hospital to hospital and doctor to doctor. You know your body and if you think there is something amiss then seek medical appointment

I've just heard from a lady who's GP ordered a scan to speed things up though you'd assume the hospital would usually do that. x
Hello, Like some of the others, my CA reading is never a true indication - always low, so while it is done every 3 weeks as standard - I rarely ask about it.
it is not really a true reflection or indicator of a problem and likewise, an elevated reading could be caused by an infection.
Try and relax and treat yourself to something nice - whatever floats your boat.
Best wishes,