I have stage 4 ppc and ovarian cancer. I had two chemo sessions so far. Three days after the second session I had severe abdominal pain that wiped me out for a weekend. The medics put it down to constipation and trapped wind. Had anyone else experienced this and if so how have they dealt with it?
Has anyone with ppc and ovarian cancer had a si... - My Ovacome
Has anyone with ppc and ovarian cancer had a similar experience?

Hello-yes the anti sickness meds they give you for chemo cause constipation- so that could easily be the cause of pain but equally I found that chemo just produces random pain sometimes! I suppose it’s killing of all those cells...
As always report it to your team and if you feel ill ring up your chemo emergency number for advice-they would much rather you called than just put up with it xx
I had a similar experience when I was having chemo with abdominal pain. It started on the Mondy ( I had chemo the previous Friday) and was just a bit uncomfortable for a few days with no appetite and abdominal gripes. By the Friday it had got much worse and the gripes were stopping me in my tracks and I started to feel sick. Eventually I was violently sick but then the pain started to subside and within an hour had gone completely and I could have eaten a scabby horse as I was so hungry. I'm not sure what it was and it never happened again throughout the rest of my treatment, but I did make sure after that episode I drank loads of water before, during and after chemo for a few days, Kerry x
Red, chemo irritates ALL mucosal surfaces and causes digestive irritation.
Additionally, when chemo kills off massive amounts of cells, called cell lysis, it is possible to feel pain from that as well. Constipation is a recurrent issue for us all, plus sharp pains from gas will give you plenty of non harmful explanations for pain. Meanwhile, you should always report these issues to your doctor just in case.
Hi. I to had an A&E admission after my final chemo. Had managed to get constipation sorted after bad experience with 1st chemo. (Key for me was start prepping 2 days before treatment with gradual increase of laxatives up to maximum for a couple of days while on steroids and anti sickness) This has proved successfull with all 5 subsequent cycles. However this time completely out of the blue on day 5 I experienced excruciating stomach pain radiating into my chest. I was unable to control my breathing as my nose had become completely blocked which was adding to my panic. Ambulanced to A&E. Concern was due to most of my debulking surgery had been in the diaphram area. They eliminated everything nasty with ECG X ray and bloods. Said they thought it was an extreme reaction to chemo in the form of gas. Told me to double up on Omemprzole for a few days. I was left feeling very sore in that area but the omemprozole seemed to do the trick. I was taking one in the morning and one at night. Now mornings only. Came as a shock as I was tolerating side affects pretty well since last November it came as a shock. Sorry for such a long reply xx