Stressed and need to vent: Hello, Teal Sisters... - My Ovacome

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Stressed and need to vent

Sunshine0921 profile image
19 Replies

Hello, Teal Sisters ~

I am beyond stressed... I have my appointment on Monday 9/10 for my scans after Chemo. I received a call yesterday from the Financial Aide Department at the Hospital saying I need to reapply. I have no Insurance so this has all been such a headache. I have over $200,000 in hospital/Dr bills and they just keep coming, I had to stop opening my bills due to the anxiety it causes. I am so tapped out right now and can hardly keep my head above water. I went and filled out my financial aide today and was told that I needed to come up with $756 before I can have my testing done. I guess I'm going to have to cancel my test and I'm not sure when I'll be able to reschedule :( This makes me sick!

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Sunshine0921 profile image
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19 Replies

HI, I'm sorry I can't give you any advice but do understand how stressful it must be, here in Australia we have free medical care, I would not have been able to have all the treatments I've had over the last 4 years if we did not.

It's hard enough having OC but to have the added worry how to pay for it ..all i hope is you can continue with treatment ..Best wishes Lorraine xx 💙💙

Sunshine0921 profile image
Sunshine0921 in reply to lorraine71-Australia

It's terrible ~ I wish Health Care was free here :(

Thanks for listening to my vent.

Lindaura profile image

Oh Sunshine,

I feel so terrible for you.

It is 4:00 am here in England, but I am an American, who moved here with my daughter and husband over 20 years ago.

We automatically get National Health coverage and as we are self employed, when I fell ill, we could have never paid our medical bills without it.

In fact, 5 years ago, we tried to move back to the USA, but my daughter has Lyme Disease, and her prescriptions alone cost over $600 a week , which cost £20 per month here. Obviously, the cost for cancer care would have been catastrophic.

Even so, with the excellent care I receive here, having to have to drop half my business because of my illness has left us financially desperate, just to pay our household bills.

My extended family has pulled together to help me. Perhaps yours could help you? It is devastating to have to ask for help, but perhaps you could? Family can surprise you. Is there a charity you could turn to for advice or some other benefit?

Being stressed about bills, while being stressed about cancer is a terrible thing.

I wish you better luck and the willl to fight and find a solution,

Kind regards,


Sunshine0921 profile image
Sunshine0921 in reply to Lindaura

Thanks Linda, it is unreal the cost of Medical Care ~ I think Health Care should be free to everyone. My family and friends have already helped out so much I hate to ask them again. Thanks for listening to my vent.

babyboy1 profile image

Hey, this is unbelievable! I live in Oz and we automatically receive free health care! Surely you wouldn't be left to deal with a serious illness just because you can't afford treatment! Can you not approach your local MP, Church and/or, or family members? Wishing you all the best!xxxDawn!🌻🌻

Sunshine0921 profile image
Sunshine0921 in reply to babyboy1

Dawn, Free Health Care would be great, I wish that was offered here. I have so many bills its ridiculous. Thanks for listening.

Hello Sunshine0921 so sorry to hear you are having to cope with the stresses of finances, the following website has this information. Hope it helps. Lyn x

Sunshine0921 profile image
Sunshine0921 in reply to

They gave me a 50% discount but that really don't help. The bills I have are with the discount applied. I will never be able to pay these bills. So much for buying a house my credit will never be good. :(

Really sorry to hear this.

Your experience, shared with millions of other US citizens, just underlines how hard it is to understand how many Americans can vilify those wanting to improve access to health care for them and vote for people happy to make it worse.

However often I can find things to criticise in the UK, especially at the moment when we too are in the grip of collective madness, this is one worry we don’t have, at least for the time being.

Hoping you find a way forward xx

Sunshine0921 profile image
Sunshine0921 in reply to

Thanks for letting me vent ~ I wish things were different.

BeeWild profile image

So sorry you are in this situation xx I too am in the U.K. so thankfully don’t have this financial worry x

Could you start a go fund me page to try and get the money together so you can at least have your end of treatment scan!

I find it appalling that with such a serious condition there is no state funding to give you your treatment and diagnostics free!

Big hugs sweetie xx

Sunshine0921 profile image
Sunshine0921 in reply to BeeWild

My girls did set up a go fund me page what was raised has already been spent for previous medical testing and prescriptions. The hospital did give me a 50% discount. After the discount my cost is $6900 and I have to pay $756 upfront before I can have the test done. I wish the scans were free!

Rachael47 profile image

We in the UK need to fight for the NHS against the people who are desperate to give it to Branson et al.

Maus123 profile image

Hi Sunshine. That's shocking. :( Will the aide help to relieve some of that financial pressure?

I hear you about not opening letters/bills by the way.. done that at times myself. While not a long term solution, it helps to keep the immediate pressure somewhat contained.

If you can, please try to think of something beautiful and soothing rather than the bills, and maybe let a debt consolidation service (what are those called again?) provide some assistance with managing the bills, at least until you've got enough funding to cover the exam. Surely a bit of delay won't have any drastic impact on the result so you should be fine. xx. Maus

Sunshine0921 profile image
Sunshine0921 in reply to Maus123

The Financial aide department at the hospital did approve me for 50% discount but the $200,000 + in bills is with the discount already applied. I'm living pay check to pay check now. I couldn't afford the monthly payment if I consolidated my bills. So, they can just pile up. I'm not worried about the bills I have, I will never be able to pay them. I'm just worried about the upfront fees that are needed for my testing...I wish this was not a stress I have to deal with.

Maus123 profile image
Maus123 in reply to Sunshine0921

Holy sh§t batman :(( .

Doubt the gofundme campaign will stretch that far. Could consider raising media attention but should feel reasonably well and have some strength to spare for that. I'm completely sympathetic to the ostrich approach, at least until after the scan... dunno what else you could do right now. In the worst case, there's always chapter 7...

Good luck & Many hugs. Health trumps everything else. Xx. Maus

Lily-Anne profile image

Can you start a go fund me page. They are very popular world wide. I started one earlier this year to fund Avastin as I was only eligible privately. It paid for three sessions and I was overwhelmed by the generosity of so many people. I do believe that funding has bought me this extra time. I may have to do the same again if my oncologist thinks that was my best option. Asking for help is so very difficult but sometimes you just have to try even if nobody responds.

Good luck


Sunshine0921 profile image
Sunshine0921 in reply to Lily-Anne

My girls did start me a Go Fund Me page, It raised $1650 but after the fees that they take and previous medical test and prescriptions its gone. It has came to a halt :(

My girls share it daily but there hasn't been a donation in months. Praying for a miracle...

Mommoo65 profile image

Sunshine, I too live in the US. No private insurance, but I have Medicare, which does a very good job at paying the medical bills. You look too young for that, however. Have you applied for Medicaid? Also, contact any local Cancer organizations. They can point you to possible help with medical bills. Wishing you the best! Jill

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