Hiya Ladies! I've got 2 more monthly chemos to go of Carboplatin/Caelyx. During this time I have been eating a bit of chocolate and fruitcake etc as I don't always fancy a lot of savouries. However, I do eat a fair bit of vegetables, salad and fruit for meals as well as fresh bread and butter with a bit of ham. There is, however, talk that SUGAR FEEDS CANCER, so what next? Do I cut it out completely, risk having a little bit of what I fancy, or just go with the flow so to speak? What do other ladies think, and what have they been eating after treatment ends? Cheers, Dawn!!xx😀🌺😀🌻🐝🌻
🤔Sugar and Cancer!🤔🌺: Hiya Ladies! I've got... - My Ovacome
🤔Sugar and Cancer!🤔🌺

Hi, I've had carbo/caelyx with good results and I find eating a good balance diet which you seem to be doing,having some chocolate or fruit cake will not hurt,funny thing my taste has changed, I loved chocolate and now a couple of squares is all I can eat.
SO I think it would not hurt except if you eat a couple of blocks and a whole fruit cake in one go ,so enjoy .Take care Lorraine xx
Hi Dawn. Ive often commented on here and on fb that I changed nothing in my diet. A balanced diet is what I have always had and will continue with. Enjoy that choc (in moderation lol) xx Kathy xx
Eat healthy and everything in moderation while you are able to. Many have to change to low fibre diet because of gastric problems, some don’t want/can’t due to nausea/extreme sickness.
Enjoy 😉🍩🍫🍷
I agree with the above...a balanced diet is best...the sugar/cancer thing is not proven as far as I am aware and I suspect that many of these dietary links would only be effective if you had followed them from childhood. xx
Hi bb1, well......all carbohydrates are turned into glucose by the body so we’d have to avoid a lot of foods! I try to eat natural foods (not processed) with a few treats from time to time (your cake looks yummy!)
Linda xx
There are lots of rumours that do the rounds. Given what we’ve had to deal with a well balanced diet that includes some treats can’t be a bad thing in my book. Keep enjoying ❤️Xx Jane
Agree with all the woman . Eat a balanced diet and enjoy your food. We need to pamper ourselves. I ate a good diet before still ended up with cancer. Enjoy
My Onc is all about enjoying the stuff that makes us happy (in moderation of course 😃) enjoy it xx
I've been put on a low residue diet which consists of plenty a trifle cake etc so reckon it's ok in moderation...besides nothing's proven...same as cancer can't survive in an alkaline body....we're not all being advised to suck lemons every 2 minutes eh.... eat what ya fancy there are plenty of healthy eaters that get cancer too sadly x
Sugar does NOT feed cancer. Nor does it cause diabetes or heart conditions.
It will cause cavities, and is simply empty, but very quickly burned calories.
Sugar is a perfectly fine sweetener , but if you are not vegan, honey is better.
Just try to cut down on animal protein and eat lots of tomatoes amd tomato sauce and dark green leafy vegetables!
Dark chocolate is also actually good for you!
Best of luck,
I went for a consultation with a top oncologist and asked if she had any recommendations about diet. The answer was "no". I have also read that there is absolutely no evidence that sugar feeds cancer or that any other diet will cure etc. I try to eat wisely but I do eat whatever I want including cakes and icecream.
I think there are some papers now that do discuss the link between sugar and cancer. My old red blooded onc actually said “ eat everything in moderation but er... cut down on sugar as there is some eveidence emerging..” !! But he was in SA so who knows what evidence this was. If you read google Chris Wark he gives a healthy diet minus sugar view but I’ve tried now since 2015 to cut out sugar and now just give in to the odd cream tea!! Life is out there to enjoy sometimes!!
A lot of foods contain some sugar, so it's impossible to cut it out of the diet completely, & as others have said, it's not proven that sugar feeds cancer. Di
While you're having chemo, eat whatever you fancy or what you can manage. Afterwards, if you're not on a restricted diet, it is obviously best to exclude as much added sugar as possible - we all all know its not good for health, never mind cancer. It is true that the body turns carbs into glucose in order to use them, but one of the reasons we're told exercise is a good thing if you have cancer, apart from it increasing oxygen levels in the body, is because it uses up the glycogen stores in the muscles - meaning the body then uses circulating sugars to put the glycogen back rather than it raising blood sugar, causing fat to be stored (usually where you don't want it) and yes, being available for whatever other body processes are going in, including greedy cancer cells. But the odd bit of cake here and there is fine, maybe once a fortnight and as for chocolate, I tend to stick to 85% Green and Black's dark, because at least its got plenty of phytonutrients, unlike ordinary chocolate. I have switched to date sugar for some sweet recipes, or date syrup, again because of its 90% phytonutrient content, where all the other forms of sugar (honey,agave, maple syrup and so on) have virtually none. Personally, after lots of research, compared with sugar, I concluded that dairy was definitely to be avoided, along with meat, fish and eggs - but I do still eat meat occasionally (haven't eaten any for at least six weeks, not even missing it really) and oily fish/egg about once a fortnight. But never dairy, apart from, rarely, the odd smear of butter here and there. I'm not expecting any of this to get rid of my cancer - but it just might slow it down, so I tend to stick, as far as possible, to whole food plant based.
There is no evidence that cancer feeds on sugar