Bucket List.... : I’m just curious as to what you... - My Ovacome

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Bucket List....

CallmeMum profile image
57 Replies

I’m just curious as to what you’re bucket lists are?? ❤️❤️❤️

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CallmeMum profile image
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57 Replies
Yoshbosh profile image

- Orlando with the kids (obvs)

- Stay on a Solent Fort ✅

- Raise awareness of OC in younger women

- Do one of those inflatable assault courses ✅

- Live each day with relish and enthusiasm

- Not saying ‘no’ to things, just because I’m scared.

- Live to be 98 - hahaha!

Nicky100 profile image
Nicky100 in reply to Yoshbosh

Can we grow old and grey together Vicki? Or maybe dress in pink and have pink hair?! 🙂

Yoshbosh profile image
Yoshbosh in reply to Nicky100

Lol! Yes, definitely! I quite fancy a pink rinse... 😄

Nicky100 profile image
Nicky100 in reply to Yoshbosh

Maybe we could both have some crazy tattoos... and bright pink lipstick..!? ❤️

Emsymits profile image
Emsymits in reply to Yoshbosh

The biggest inflatable assault cause (in Europe?) is coming to Kent again in May. My menfolk did it last year and lived it!



Yoshbosh profile image
Yoshbosh in reply to Emsymits

Oooh, Em! That sounds right up my street!

Katmal-UK profile image

See my grandchildren grow up

Visit as many places in the states as I can

Live each day as if it's my last and with no regrets.

Beckyjh profile image

See both of my children settled

Go to Italy.

Spend time by the beach in Northumberland (never been there and it looks beautiful)

Spend as much time with my family and friends as possible.

Be happy 😃

Becky x

eileen_alberti profile image
eileen_alberti in reply to Beckyjh

I need to list beach, Manasota Key, Fl

Lyndy profile image

To see my kids settled and to complete the novel I am writing, plus some horse related fun!

Rachael47 profile image

I'd like to have tea with Jeremy Corbyn, preferably at 10 Downing Street.

Cropcrop profile image

Keep well and become a really old lady

Spend some time visiting Europe and the USA

Raise more awareness of OC wherever I can - always working on it

Go back to New York ✅

Go back to being a proper dizzy blonde ✅✅(and them some 😂)

Walk 70,000 steps a week ✅

Raise £10,000.00 for Christies - getting there

Move to the coast- currently working on it

Sack work and live each day to the fullest I possibly can ✅

Seeing my first great grandchild - imminent (I’m still way too young to be a grandma never mind a great one 😂)

Spend some voluntary time beach cleaning (once we’ve moved)

Join the WI ?🤔

Learn to play golf and crown green bowls

Take up cycling again

Finish a cardigan I started before diagnosis (it’s a tricky pattern)

So many more things I want to do so I have to live to be as old as methuselah ❤️Xx Jane

Nicky100 profile image
Nicky100 in reply to Cropcrop

Hi Cropcrop,

We live in Devon and they do amazing beach cleans here- they looks fun... if you ever want to come and do one, give me a shout...❤️

Cropcrop profile image
Cropcrop in reply to Nicky100

Will do ❤️Xx Jane

Neona profile image
Neona in reply to Nicky100

I'm in Cornwall so you can't be too far away!

Nicky100 profile image
Nicky100 in reply to Neona

North Devon x

Neona profile image
Neona in reply to Nicky100

My sister lives at Clovelly and keeps the donkeys there.

SarahsJourney profile image
SarahsJourney in reply to Cropcrop

Jane, love it xxx

Caroles1 profile image

See my grandkids grow up

See my son married and be “mother of the groom” (and not bride this time)

Go back to America

See the Caribbean

Just be happy and healthy in myself

I know to some it’s trivial, but I’m easily pleased😀👍⛱🍷✈️ Xx

eileen_alberti profile image
eileen_alberti in reply to Caroles1

Me too. Easily pleased and entertained.

85live4ever profile image

Hi Callmemum, This is my bucket list;

1) To see my grandson start secondary school in September. I am so excited I am counting the days down.

2) Saw my granddaughter start secondary school last year. It was amazing & very emotional✔

3) Will be celebrating my 60 birthday later in the year. I am so shock I really didn't think I would see.

4) Rewrite my children's book so my grandchildren can have more of a say & allow them to illustrate it as well. Its about fighting for what you believe in.

5) Take my granddaughter to Liverpool all on my own & stay in a 5 star hotel ✔

6) To join the gym with my daughter in law.✔

7) To live longer than the 6 months sale by date I was given by my surgeon✔

8) Seeing all my grandchildren become young adults.

9) To start boxing with a numb hand.

10) To be able to walk 10,000 steps in a week.

11) To write my life story.

12) Make as many baby blankets as I can.

13) To take up drama. I have always want to act.

14) To win this cancer battle.

15) To become more independent so my daughter in law can have a rest.

16) To spend as much time as possible enjoying a latte with my daughter in law in M&S

17) To see my youngest grandchild start school not this September but next.

18) To fight for gene testing & to at last find out which gene is to blame for so many woman in my family who have suffered with oc & bc.

Thank you for asking the question. I really didn't think I had to many on my bucket list but it seems I do. Take care Cindyxx

Lily-Anne profile image


I didn’t call it a bucket list as rather worried I’d kick it lol

It’s my to do list. There’s lots on it and it’s changed. List one was mainly about travel. I didn’t get to Jamaica which is something we put off for about nine years and now wish it’d been something we did Long before diagnosis. We planned to do it after I recurred and side stepped it because I wanted to lose weight first after all my surgery. Seems stupid now. Although we did go to lots of places we had planned

My new list has simpler goals based on ability. To see Sarah Millican is still my number one goal for November. That also means I would’ve seen the birthdays of my children, Hubby and grandchildren.

More immediately my birthday at the end of April when I will be 53.

To have a couple of days away not far from home but somewhere spring like and beautiful this time prepared with a wheelchair.

I’m hoping the Avastin will not be difficult to tolerate but am prepared 💪🏻💥

LA xx

Yoshbosh profile image
Yoshbosh in reply to Lily-Anne

You should be fine with Avastin 🤞

Lizchips profile image
Lizchips in reply to Yoshbosh

Lily-Anne, hi it's Liz from the US. I'm praying for you and so many others I've met on this site. I'm hoping you have a fabulous birthday.I know you'll make it to your concert in November. I have my family and friends praying for you too. One day I want to read the books your writing. Maybe we could even meet. I'm 55 just turned in March. Be strong my friend. 🌸❤🌼Liz

Nicky100 profile image

Gosh, where do I even start....! Xx

ellseybellsey profile image

Mine was Iceland with my granddaughter, and that is now ticked off on my list.

The next one is to take youngest grandson to Disney world hopefully once I finish 2nd line treatment. My list is long seeing eldest grandson married, my granddaughter go to uni, and my youngest who’s only two start school.

Ellsey xx

Emsymits profile image


Well there’s probably not enough space here but basically Carpe Diem! Obviously see my boys through their education and into adulthood and live until I’m 90 but in terms of things to do. Just a few...

1. Go to Venice ✔️

2. Visit Mayan temples (booked)

3 Swim with dolphins

4. Go snorkelling on Great Barrier Reef (going to massive reef off Mexico instead 😀)

5. Swim with sharks (small ones I’m not that brave!)

6. Make time to do watercolours

7. Drive my fave car - AC Cobra

8. Go to Pompeii & Herculaneum

9. Go in a floatation tank

10. Go to Iceland and see the Northern Lights

Mainly I intend to be the one everyone says ‘Oh blimey what is she up to now?!’



SarahsJourney profile image
SarahsJourney in reply to Emsymits

Em, love it, am half-way to completing yours lol with the following achieved:

1. Once when 18 for the day, and more recently for a few days with my hubby

5. In the Maldives, it was a black tipped reef shark, I was on my own snorkelling which they say you shouldn't do, and it suddenly appeared in the distance, I literally stopped breathing, as I've had an utter fear, of them since Jaws, I was 10 and VERY impressionable...this thing swam past me looked me in the eye and carried on, my heart was pounding so fast, I swear he could hear it, anyway I cautiously looked behind me only to see the damn thing TURN and COME BACK!!! I nearly died... he just swam past and checked me out again! Of course as soon as he'd gone OMG I was euphoric and couldn't swim back fast enough to tell my husband - "I've swum with a shark!!" Believe me it was NEVER on my Bucket List lol Luckily it was only the day before I'd been told that black tipped reef sharks won't attack humans, mainly as they have so much food options with the fish... PHEW!

8. I loved it! Pompeii obvs more 'spectacular' but Herculaneum still very impressive and discovered much more recently if I remember rightly.

9. I've done a flotation pool so don't know if that counts. Did you see Jane McDonald on the programme where she went in a special one and had an incredible experience apparently? I'd def LOVE to try that one.

10. Again, I'm so blessed to have been to Iceland, we didn't see the Northern Lights, we saw the Volcano, the first small one, which didn't shut half the world down, and on our last day there we paid a fortune to fly in a small plane around it whilst it was erupting and spouting lava, WOW even writing this now, I'm seeing how very lucky I have been in my life.

I really hope you get to achieve all 10 of these Em ❤️

GoldenGourd profile image

Top of my list was to go to the USA with my husband and sons, done this and it was amazing.

To see my younger son into uni this autumn.

To see my older son graduate after 4 years doing a masters in Chemistry, in July 2019.....!!

To visit Florence, Berlin, the Black Forest and Orkney.

To learn to crochet, done!

To go parascending from Mam Tor in the Peak District.

To see the Roman Baths and Cheddar Gorge - going tomorrow!

To see Glastonbury, St.Ives, The Eden Project, Lost Gardens of Helligan and RHS Rosemoor. Going in a glam camper van in July, I hope, to see all these.

To learn to make choux pastry and so chocolate eclairs.

To swim with dolphins.

Here’s to all our lists and looking forward to stuff. Xxx Netti

Pendle99 profile image
Pendle99 in reply to GoldenGourd

Enjoy Bath xxx I am lucky enough to live in Bath and it is truly a beautiful city. For recommendations for food, I recommend Cafe Retro - my favourite independent!

Neona profile image

I was quite active when I was young - joined the reserve forces, climbed mountains, sailed etc . I never really wanted children. There really isn't much on my bucket list as I have done the stuff that I wanted. I have a lovely husband and want to spend as much time as possible with him. We have travelled a bit and would like to do a world cruise but I don't think that is likely to happen- even if we could afford it I am constantly on treatment . I have just bought a new piano so there are a few pieces I would like to learn properly.

eileen_alberti profile image
eileen_alberti in reply to Neona

and I hope all the neighbors appreciate hearing you play. I have a neighbor who does and it's glorious in the morning.

Neona profile image
Neona in reply to eileen_alberti

We are quite secluded so I can make as much noise as I like and noone can hear it!

Neona profile image

Thinking of more now I've read all the posts: cruise to the Carribean, see the Acropolis, Pompeii, Dubrovnic and the Amalfi Coast. Learn to play the violin and join the local SAS ( Seriously Awful Sinfonia). Join the Zumba Gold class and not have to give up after one lesson this time.

chrissapam profile image

Like Neona, have done a lot that I wanted....lucky I know....would love to see my children reach 18 which is very unlikely; and to hold the radiologists who mis read my scan to account and to get policy changed so laparoscopies....the best and least uncertain diagnostic tool to be done as a matter of course where there is possible uncertainty in diagnosis.

Love to all, Chris xxl

eileen_alberti profile image
eileen_alberti in reply to chrissapam

Hi Chris: Read you post and my heart broke. I'm with you on misdiagnosis and raise you up to God that He will hold you in the palm of His hand. Blessings , Eileen

chrissapam profile image
chrissapam in reply to eileen_alberti

thanks Eileen xxx

Seasun36-uk profile image

Well.....live to celebrate our Silver Wedding Anniversary!! ❤️ See my grandchildren go to senior school 👩‍💼👨‍💼 Visit Victoria Falls 🚁 (I was born in Zimbabwe). See the Big 5 & others - again! 🐆🐘🦒🦓. Walk with Lions 🦁Swim with Dolphins 🐋. Love & be loved ❣️

How lovely to plan...😊

Bluehen profile image

My wish list before I found out I had this cancer was; to not outlive my husband because I couldn't live without him, to not have to bury any of my children, (I have six, four adopted) to see one of my children that has been a mess straighten out and be the person he was meant to be, To live my life so I have no regrets. To make this world a better place because I was here. To love and be loved. So far all my wishes have been answered except for having no regrets, I have a few. My husband and I are still here together, soon to be 54 years.

My bucket list

Help in some way to find a better treatment and cure for this terrible disease. I have participated in one trial and hoping to get in another. If I can't cure myself, maybe it will help find an answer for other women.

To continue to make wonderful memories for my children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren.

To be courageous no matter how tough things get.To make this as easy on my family as possible.

To enjoy every minute I have with those I love.

eileen_alberti profile image
eileen_alberti in reply to Bluehen

Attitude is EVERYTHING! Yours is great, I want to be you.

AndreeP profile image

Travel. Always to travel. Just got back from number on my list this week. It was Paris. Next is Italy. Hopefully within the next two years. What are some of your bucket list items?

Welshandproud profile image

Since finishing my treatment I've been lucky enough to go to Barcelona, Prague, Vienna and Berlin. We've booked flights to go back to our favourite place in Turkey in June and I intend to visit as many cities as I can and have as much fun as possible whilst sticking 2 fingers up to this cancer lark.

I want to see my daughter graduate in July

I want to celebrate my 60th birthday with a big party in 2021

I want to see my girls settled

I want to write a novel

I want to act on stage again

I want to grow old disgracefully

I want to drive a sports car with the roof down

I want to dance barefoot in the sand with a glass of champagne

I want to kick off my shoes and dance on the table

I want to go skinny dipping

I would love to become a grandmother

I want to spend lots of time with my lovely husband and my gorgeous 2 daughters

I want to make every day count .

Gosh I realise I want to do lots of things xxxx

Nancy222 profile image
Nancy222 in reply to Welshandproud

Love the, "I want to grow old disgracefully." XXOO

Welshandproud profile image
Welshandproud in reply to Nancy222

And it's true!!!!

Seasun36-uk profile image
Seasun36-uk in reply to Welshandproud

I like the champagne & sand idea! 😀

harpist_UK profile image

I was lucky enough to travel a lot before my diagnosis. My husband and I mainly go on walking holidays, and we used to go abroad with Ramblers, but I wouldn't want the pressure of keeping up with a group now. We still go walking together, and he always tailors his pace to mine! We have done loads of skiing as well. I used to go trips on my own sometimes too, but now we always do things together - we've approached the cancer as a team and I'm forever grateful to him, so any travel plans now include what we're both comfortable with. We are most comfortable walking in Scotland, particularly the islands and places by the sea, so I would love to go back to them and explore islands I haven't been to (like Shetland). Other things on my list -

* to celebrate our Ruby Wedding anniversary in July

* to complete my MA in Creative Writing with the Open University in September

* to publish a poetry collection based on my two years of work for the MA

* to complete a project of poetry and harp music with a local harpist

* to go skiing again

* to keep seeing old friends and family and enjoy good times with them

* to spend as much time as I can outdoors in nature

* to connect with others going through the cancer process and keep on discussing how to live it well

* to climb the 12 Lake District mountains (the 'Wainwrights') I haven't done yet - there are 214 altogether

* to keep exercising my sense of humour and laugh a lot

Seasun36-uk profile image
Seasun36-uk in reply to harpist_UK

My Mum was brought up on the edge of Skiddaw, beautiful!

harpist_UK profile image
harpist_UK in reply to Seasun36-uk

Beautiful spot!

Seasun36-uk profile image
Seasun36-uk in reply to harpist_UK

Sense of humour & being outside in beautiful nature - yes to both!

CallmeMum profile image

My bucket list is to spend as much time with my special person as humanly possible without her doing my head in 😊 ❤️❤️❤️😊

Welshandproud profile image

I like it!!!

Orsolini profile image

I have never thought about a bucket list but have loved reading this happy, fun, uplifting post, thank you!

Hertsmum profile image

I’ve tried to think of it as a ‘list for living’ as not mad about ‘bucket list’ but it amounts to the same thing!

I’ve been lucky to be able to fulfil many of my wishes since diagnosis, including:

- going on a helicopter ride over New York with my son

- travelling to Japan with my family, which had been planned for the summer I was diagnosed and finally got there 2 and a half years later, worth the wait!

- seeing both my children to adulthood and into uni

- going to the French Open tennis with my husband

- skiing again after surgery and chemo

Now as it’s 4 years nearly since diagnosis my dearest wishes mainly concern my family

- celebrate our 25th anniversary with hubby in July

- have a lovely family holiday in the summer and swim in the sea again!

- see my daughter graduate in September

- see my son graduate in 2020 !!

- see them both happy with a partner

- go to Pompeii and Amalfi coast - fingers crossed will get to do this one in 2 weeks time during chemo free week! 🤞

- go on the TV quiz ‘The Chase’ and win!

ScardyCat40 profile image

Not really into bucket lists always tried just to do normal everyday things that give me pleasure

I’m not really a fan of bucket lists. Just visit where you want. When you want.

I don’t like the idea of a tick list.

What if you don’t do it all ?

Each day is a new day. Seeing my family and friends is the most precious. Anything else I do and see is an absolute bonus now.

I try and do as much as I can. Big or small. Xxx

Lizchips profile image

Raise awareness about OC, push IP intraperitinel chemo which works and I know its expensive, but its saving lives and I want women in the UK to have a fighting chance. The expense is the only reason I can think Drs in the UK army mentioning it. Its used in the US as first line treatments. In advanced oc cancer patients. Its working. Google it. Other than that I would like to go to Italy and Ireland.🌸Liz, USA

Rlenesue profile image

Be a grandma.

Have at least 1 child get married.

Go skydiving.

Visit Europe.

Go on a cruise.

Help those with oc

Not what you're looking for?

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