Dear Ladies. I thought about sharing with you Valter Longo's Fasting mimicking diet.
In Jan 2018 I was diagnosed with stage 1a high grade mix ovarian cancer with majnly adenocarcinoma endometrioid component as well as serrous and clear cell carcinoma.
At current i am on Carbo- Taxol regime and yesterday I have completed 2nd cycle. After reading in depth research I believe becoming a guinea pig and try fasting mimicking diet is a right way to go for me. At least i can say i have tried majority of the options available. And oh boy! This one is not the easiest one. I have been on alkaline diet since Jan 2018 and must say all my bloods are excellent up to date. My regime consisted of 1 day - 600cal ( rye bread humus salad veggie juices with meringo, chlorella and spiruline suplements to keep protein intake) 2,3, 4 chemo day 400cal and similar diet. Today feeling good. As after 1st round of chemo intial blocked ears but no sickness and a bit more tired. I was wondering if there are many of you trying the latter and if yes it would be great to share your experience and diet during and in between fasting. I may post my blood results to keep on track on reliability of fasting period and general diet. I gather this is an excellent start may not suit everyone and best to speak to your oncologist if in doubt. I have managed to speak to my nurse (onco would propably say no as most recent Longo's research is in progress) and she was positive big hugs to all brave Ladies!