My mum has had Ovarian Cancer twice, both times responding well to treatment. Shes finished treatment last May (2017) and has been to her 3 month check-ups. Last week she was complaining of lower back pain. They have just called to say her CA125 is raised and I'm wondering if an re-occurrence is happening/
Help me to be positive: My mum has had Ovarian... - My Ovacome
Help me to be positive
It could be a recurrence, but it might not be. Have they said they are going to scan her?. I was diagnosed stage 3 in 2007, had 2 recurrences and after the latest one have been NED for 4 years 6 months, my latest NED is my longest so bear in mind if it is a recurrence there is nothing to say that you mum can't achieve a remission and get a long one. Wishing you well. Do let us know how you mum gets on. Big hug to you both xx Kathy xx
Your mum finishes treatment in May last year, almost a year, so if there is a recurrence chances are high she will go into remission with the same regime. And there are new drugs some more.There is still hope and I pray that she will get a longer remission this time around.
Hello, my CA count varies constantly andhas not meant progression. The change can happen for a number of reasons. That’s why it’s is only an indicator, not a diagnosis. My oncologist says if there is an increase it means to investigate further and not to get freaked out about it. I’m on an Avastin maintenance program for over six months and my CA goes up and down without any other signs of progression (I get CT scans every 3 months). So you are wise to investigate further, but try (easier said than done) to put it out of your head until all tests are done. Good luck!