Help please!!: Hi please can someone help me! I... - My Ovacome

My Ovacome

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Help please!!

11 Replies

Hi please can someone help me! I started having lower abdo pain one month ago. Pain during sex and pink discharge. A few days later it turned to blood then brown blood. Now its red with clots sorry for tmi!! Ive got severe pain under my right rib enough to make me cry. My tummy is bloated and I can hear gas noises that’s been for three weeks.

Ive had urine, blood, pregnancy test and ca125. All normal. Ultrasound scan showed 2cm cyst but she said thats normal for women ?! Alao a 3mm polyp on gallbladder. I am struggling with the tummy pain and worried about gynae cancer. Has anyone else had these symptoms. I cant eat mich either. Been taking buscapan and colofac it does nothing to help at all. Been gp 6 times and casualty once. No one seems to know what is wrong. Thanks in advance xxx

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11 Replies

Hi Love, It would not be right for me to try and diagnose the problem but it does not sound right can you get a appointment with a oncologist if you have already I would go back to your GP and ask for a second opinion with an other oncologist who does not just put it down to that's normal for women you need answers.

I'm sorry I have not been of more help I hope you get the answers you need

💙💙 Take care Lorraine xx

Lyndy profile image

Lorraine is right..keep asking, keep going back until you get some answers. I know it’s hard when you are worried and in pain but if you don’t ask they will assume it has sorted itself out xx

Tesla_7US profile image

Cup, make an appt with a gynecological oncologist asap! You need to be seen by a specialist who will order an appropriate scan, probably a CAT scan. Do not give up! Something is terribly wrong! You know your body. Do not allow carers to fob you off. CA125 is not an effective marker for everyone! Also, be aware that transvaginal ultrasound cannot detect OVCA. Make noise! Get answers!

CupofTea You have listed three of the top four symptoms frequently reported by women with Ovarian cancer. It’s not for me to diagnosis, but if you visit and search “Ovarian”, you can find a sheeting for logging the days you experience the bloating, feeling full too soon, pain, and frequent urination. If you can show the completed chart to your Gynecologist, it can show a need for further testing to rule out Ovarian cancer.

Abnormal discharge and pain during sex are also commonly reported with Ovarian cancer.

The CA125 test has a history of both false Positives and false Negatives so can be unreliable.

There are sixty different types of OvCa, which can make diagnosis even more difficult. Some types may or may not create tumors.

My wife’s bloating was from the volume of Metastatic cells the cancer generated flooding the Pleural Sacs with effusion and her abdomen with Ascities. But her CT Scans showed no tumor, cysts, or other abnormal growth anywhere in her body.

Also on the Doctor Oz site, you can find a family cancer chart for noting all the family members and cases of cancer. Specific cancers in you family may indicate a link to a genetic mutation such as the BRCA genes. The BRCA Positive status is linked to 15% of Ovarian cancers as well as Breast, Pancreatic, Colo-rectal and Prostate cancers.

With no effective test or screening for this cancer, it’s important that women familiarize themselves with the symptoms and become their own advocate for health. And ask for a second opinion if you aren’t satisfied with the first doctor.

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I advocate for raising TEAL Awareness as Ovarian cancer took my wife before she even had a chance to speak out.

Even though at 51 she was in the highest risk group by age, no health care professional ever gave her any information about Ovarian cancer.

Until there’s a test - Education is best!

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Im so sorry to hear you lost your wife. Thanks so much for your reply xx

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God loaned Sandy to me for nearly 41 years. My awareness campaign, “Dispelling the Darkness” is both in honor to Sandy and thanks to God.

Best wishes for a healthy outcome for you.

Sunfleury-UK profile image

Hi Cupoftea,

So sorry to hear that you've yet to find out what's causing such difficult symptoms. You are absolutely right to keep pushing to get a diagnosis & treatment.... Using a symptom tracker as recommended above can help your Dr understand both the frequency & persistency (this can be relevant) along with the range of symptoms. I dont know the one mentioned but do know that both Ovacome & Target Ovarian Cancer in the UK have them and they will generate a summary for you to give to your Dr.

I think its also important to bear in mind that this is a site for people affected by Ovarian Cancer and although you have symptoms in common with some diagnosed, these symptoms can also be caused by many other, less serious things. Certainly, we all hope this is the case.

Wishing you hope & strength, Sx

Clearcell-lady profile image

Hello Cupoftea1000!

As all the other concerned people have already said, it's absolutely important to go to the top gynaecologist, to have further investigations, such as a hysteroscopy, which means the uterus, etc, is checked under general anesthesia, in order to rule out or confirm any suspected pathology!

Please keep asking for further testing as you already have symptoms which if causing so much discomfort, should drive the doctors concerned to look for answers.

Hope this helps.


leeanne81 profile image

Can also be adenomyosis ive had a range of weird symptoms for a year bloating feeling then bloating for 3 months was convinced oc, also had a cyst they should echeck in a little while see if the cyst has cyst resolved, had laparoscopy for poss endometriosis but it wasnt that just alot of adhesions sticking things together. Ove now had mri for adenomyosis because ive got cysts at the back of uterus wall. Awaiting results. So dont panic just yet x

Saleh123 profile image

Dont wait. Go and see O&G Oncologist on ovarian cancer. Make sure you do not have OC first, then can start investigating something else.

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