Merry Christmas again lovelies, so after Santa visited my house at about 11pm (I like to stay up and chat with him over a glass of something) I thought ahhh lovely I can go to bed knowing my children are asleep and my husband would be in from work early and be in bed for when the kids wake up we’d all wake up together it would be lovely.... How wrong!! My bloody dog (a Yorkshire terrier) kept howling every 30 mins usually he’s ok at night never get a peep out of him... Christmas Eve/ early hours of Christmas morning when I’m meant to be in bed with everyone else he’s awake keeping me up! So my dog is in the dog house for Christmas! At 06:30 I gave in and just got up to do my veg ready for Christmas dinner later, my special person will be joining us this year first time since diagnosis as she’s been ill to come the past 2 years so hopefully we’ll have a really good Christmas together! Merry Christmas lovelies xxxxx
Merry Christmas again.... What a night!! - My Ovacome
Merry Christmas again.... What a night!!

Oh dear! If it is any consolation, my steroids kept me up until about 3am, then I was up at 6.30am, and my husband put the lights and Christmas music on so that the kids knew it was OK to come in to us...he’s now moaning that I’ve demanded a cup of tea, but today is going to be mainly caffeine powered 😴😄
Merry Christmas!
Ah bless him. It was probably all the activity of a big fat bloke in a red suit going across the rooftops up and down people's chimneys - or, it could have been the sight of a shed load of reindeer parked up on the tiles. Dogs are sensitive to these things. Don't be too hard on him. Have a wonderful day. I hope the little sausage has a present under the tree. Beware of men with long white beards asking if you've been a good girl!!! Are you sure it was Santa you were having a drink with?
Kryssy xxxxx
He had presents so I assume so but he didn’t have any identification so I can’t be too sure 😂 xxx
Our daft cockapoo snuck into our bedroom last night and decided to help himself to some chocolates I had got for the kids. He didn't eat too many before I caught him (chocolate is toxic for dogs) but I was beside myself with worry all night and convinced I would find him pegged put in the kitchen this morning. Thankfully he seems ok and full of the joys whilst I'm feeling a little bit jaded due to a terrible nights sleep. I think an extra glass of prosecco may be required today (especially as mother in law who can talk for England with no volume control is coming). Have a lovely Christmas everyone, lots of love Kerry xx
That big guy in the dodgy red suit has lots to answer for 😊, your little doggy was probably just excited I think, our sons King Charles was demented and worse than any child could be, may be she could smell the reindeer? It’s fabulous your special person was able to join you for your Christmas, I truly hope you had a lovely family time and that Fido has been reunited with the family 😊. ❤️Xx Jane
Regardless of the doggy, hope you all had a lovely Christmas Day.
Gwen xx