Off up to my grandsons in a few minutes for Christmas. Sister in laws funeral over and determined to enjoy Christmas before pallative radiotherapy New Year Eve. I would like to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas. Lots of love Carole xxxxx
Merry Christmas: Off up to my grandsons in a few... - My Ovacome
Merry Christmas

Hello Carole. Yes we must try to enjoy Christmas. I feel really tired and achy and it makes me depressed and it feels a bit uncomfortable in my lower abdomen but I'm determined to forget about it and enjoy the day.
Have a very happy Christmas and let's hope 2015 is a good year for us all.
Love Lovis xxx
Happy Christmas Carole. Enjoy being with the family.
Zannah xxx
Happy Christmas Carole. Enjoy the time with your family and friends.
xx Annie
Happy Christmas Carole have a lovely time with your grandson x
Happy Christmas to you love Kim x
Enjoy the time with your grandson and at least one funeral is done and you have coped with it. I am looking forward to my grandsons visiting later, he is three years old, a little late developer but full of chat now so we will have fun for the next few days. When Callum was born, I was after regime two of chemo and was afraid to get close to him because I didnt want to hurt him by not being there for him. So three and a half years on, I am after round three chemo on Avastin for maintenance . So wishing you lots of positivity for 2015

My grandson has so cheered me up. Needed it this year and so want to see my second granson due 11thu February. Will grin and bear any treatment that gives me time with my only daugher and her family. Sometimes I think it is harder for my husband than me as he feels so useless and says he wishes it was him! We are strong ladies, we have to be. Just hope to get some kind of treatment in 2015 that can stop growth. Have a great Christmas and New Year. Lots of love Carole xxxxx