Selfish Me: After I just posted about my hair I... - My Ovacome

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Selfish Me

20 Replies

After I just posted about my hair I read through some of the other posts and I want to apologise for my selfish moaning.

Here I am worried about my hair when some of you lovely ladies are still going through hell with your diagnosis or treatment.

20 Replies

Hi Scotty , Don't feel you need to apologies about your hair I'm sure no one will feel that your worries, big or small are not important we have all been there.

Your hair will grow, I lost my hair 3 times and it has always growen back not red like before but now I'm totally grey.

My daughters want to give me a make over for Christmas but I said no I'm staying grey.

when I had no hair I had some really nice scarfes and a couple of hats I'm sure you can ware a flattering scarf. You are coming into your winter?

Take care and Merry Christmas 🎄🎄Lorraine xx

in reply to lorraine71-Australia

Thanks Lorraine When my hair grow there was a lot of grey I just need to be patient. You are right I’m wearing my wooly hat a lot.

Kryssy profile image

Hey missy, don't you dare say sorry. You have nothing to be sorry about. So ok we all have different ways of dealing with this s**t and personally I wouldn't say one girl is worse off or better off than the next because we are all in this nightmare together and just being in it is terrifying. Here, on this fabulous forum, is where we can just be ourselves and say what's really going on in our heads rather than putting on a show or glossing over our anxieties to protect the ones we love. It doesn't matter if it's a worry about our hair, our toenails, our bowels (always a popular topic) or our CA125. The common denominator is "worry" and that's why we are all here for each other and no one is going to think you are being silly or shallow or anything else other than worried. If they do then they should bugger off and join another forum because here there are only those who care.

So, now I've got that off my ever decreasing saggy boobs I'll answer your previous post here. I had taxol back on 22 August.. It was to be the one and only because I reacted badly. Majority of hair fell out two weeks later leaving about nine hairs and a nit. Only last week did I have first sight of stubble. Never lost leg hair, sadly, but did shave same time as hair fell out and haven't needed to since as only had a tiny weeny bit of stubble which wasn't worth worrying about but this last week it has got longer. Never lost eyelashes or brows but this week my eyebrows have started to disappear. But, the strangest and most worrying thing (there's that word again) is that I am developing a white beard. Eek! It gleams in the sunlight and I'm sure grows whilst I look in the mirror. I'm going to get a part time job in town as Father Christmas. No props necessary.

Hope I've given you a giggle and a whole lot of love is coming your way. Kryssy xxx

in reply to Kryssy

Thanks Kryssy you have made me smile, I also grew a ‘beard’ which was very fair and always seemed to catch the light.

Kryssy profile image
Kryssy in reply to

You're welcome. Have to get up early as got to plait my beard..... x

Purple_k_in_Oz profile image

Stop! Retract that apology! This is YOUR journey and your feelings are yours to own. Every person on this site lives vicariously through the news of others, good and bad. Worrying about your hair is totally valid and real. This forum is a safe place to vent, gloat, cry, celebrate.... whatever stage you are at on your journey we are all with you every step of the way.

I am absolutely positive your hair will grow back. It may be slower than you expect, it may look completely different to what it was. But it will reappear strand by strand. In the meantime, you are still beautiful xxx

in reply to Purple_k_in_Oz

Thank you 😘

Marieloiuse profile image

For someone having gone through one of the most insidious of cancers you are absolutely entitled to be as selfish as you want! Not that you are being at all selfish.

I was extremely lucky to have had surgery only but before that option was decided, alongside dying, the thought of losing my hair was way up there on the worry list. I felt vain and stupid fearing it so much but nothing indicates cancer patient like a bald head (even if that's not always the case!). You can hide the scars and heartache, no problem, but lack of hair is a whole different ball game.

I hope it soon shows signs of returning (it always does, I believe).

Catherine x

Mate if you can't moan on here where can you? This is your safe place - go for it. You just never know what is going to rock you and for us ladies hair is very significant.

Cropcrop profile image

Don’t apologise, the hair loss and regrowth is a big part of all our disease and treatment processes. My oncologist said the chemo puts the hair follicles to sleep, yours are probably just having a slightly longer snooze this time, they’re maybe teenagers now but they will wake up and be as full of life as you’d expect teenagers to be.

As for the beard, mine was fairly spectacular but it was black course hairs, that were dutifully and painfully banished by tweezers and fortunately they haven’t come back but I’m ever on watch tweezers ready to hand.

You’ll get there, in the meantime keep as well as you possibly can be, hugs and love ❤️Xx Jane

Suzanne333 profile image

You never have to say sorry for any part of having cancer. It’s very traumatic losing your hair. An awful side effect.

I’ve lost mine 3 times, bald at the moment again. It will grow back even better than before. Xxx

Microbabe profile image

No one on here would think of you as selfish... we are all in the same boat and our concerns are real be they big or small they affect us in many ways I am Ned but I remember losing my eyelashes so unexpected as who thinks about eyelashes I was mortified at my reflection I looked so ill... I decided to put on some make up and ended up laughing at my reflection as I had no idea where to stop my foundation as I had no hair ... from that day I thought sod it I am me and this is how I will face the world no hair head held high so what I’ve rambled on about is this is a place where we don’t have to apologise as the teal ladies understand .... we are stronger together ❤️❤️

in reply to Microbabe

I accepted losing my hair but hated losing my brows & lashes but now chemo finished I was just hoping to have some hair by Christmas perhaps I’ll get a nice surprise from Santa on the 25th LOL

chrissapam profile image
chrissapam in reply to

hope you do get that others have said we all are sympathetic as we have all struggled at different times. We all cope somehow too...that becomes increasingly evident as time goes on. We are are very strong teal brigade...and always include our angels(!).....much love Chris xx

Lily-Anne profile image

Why shouldn’t you worry about your hair. It’s because you’ve been through treatment and need some love and kindness now. I didn’t lose my hair as I didn’t have Taxol but it did thin.

Your worries are important to all of us this board is great for support especially when you hit a low. Share away

LA xx

Saleh123 profile image

Don't feel sorry. No need to apologize. We are going through this together.

BellmoreBelle profile image

I echo everybody else. Say whatever you want, it's a horrible journey and you're entitled to. I lost the lot, eyebrows and eyelashes as well, which was more traumatic, as it was wintery and cold and I could hide my bald head under a double layer of woollen caps, unlike my naked eyes! I was never good at make-up and I had to fake them up somehow... I had a lesson with the lovely Look Good Feel Better folk about how to do it which made all the difference. I didn't really grow beard fur but I seemed to have very thick peach-fuzz on my cheeks - it's gone now. I now have amazing, thick curls which people liken to 1920s/1950s movie starlets' hair - I used to have straight hair! It was 12 months ago tomorrow when I started chemo. Hang in there.

ellseybellsey profile image

We’ve all been there so don’t apologise, I was really upset when I lost my hair, I’ve just looked at pictures from last Christmas and I was totally bald. I did love all my lovely scarves though.

Ellsey xx

SheKen1953 profile image

Totally agree with everyone. My hair grew back very curly. My previous hair was straight. These feelings you have do get better. x

koffeekat99 profile image

Hi Scotty22

I'd like to echo everyone else's comments about not having to say sorry.

I didn't lose my hair but I have seen a lot of people on this site and in other places who have lost their hair. Some have found it to be traumatic but other aspects less so, others have found other aspects to be traumatic, etc etc. We're all different.

I have had different experiences which are in their own way horrible but no more or no less than anyone else's experiences.

Hopefully with all of these replies you've worked out that it's ok to come onto this site and say what's worrying you without any judgement. It's a place of support.


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