Canula help: Hi everyone I had my first cycle of... - My Ovacome

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Canula help

Leianne7 profile image
•17 Replies

Hi everyone I had my first cycle of second line chemo today 😒. It took them 5 attempts at getting the canula in. I've not long taken my plasters and dressing pads off and noticed that on one of the attempts they tried I have a bruise and there's a lump. It look like it's under the skin and is a little sore. Was just wondering off anyone has had the same or whether it's normal. Thank you in advance xxx

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Leianne7 profile image
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17 Replies
Etakeloop profile image

This was all very common to me until I had my port put in. Life is so much easier now.

Dee345 profile image

It sounds like a hematoma - where the veins have bled into the tissue due to trauma. If so it should disperse, if not get it checked out by your medical team

Tesla_7US profile image

Ask for a port to be installed. It will save your veins. You can shower, swim and bathe with no problem at all.

Di16 profile image

I remember having a bruise too. Di

Deesales profile image

Thinking of you. I too had a very large lump that was sore it did disperse. If you are worried speak to one of the team. Maybe they will put a port in or pic line . I think chemo affects the veins so they shut down the minute the needle goes in. Before they start tell them that you want them to use a paediatric needle it's the finest one.

Hugs Dee

Janet235 profile image

Is it a 3 weekly or weekly chemo regime? I am on second line chemo (taxol) for 18 weeks, 6 down yesterday. After first week- 3 cannula attempts -and second week - 5 attempts like you, I asked for a port ( I had a Hickman line in the chest) . The stress and worry re future painful many attempts on veins fading was enough to go for the line.

Best choice, go for it....

Janet x🌈

Leianne7 profile image
Leianne7 in reply to Janet235

Hi it’s every 4 weeks for 6 cycles yer I’m going to see what happens on my next one and if it’s the same I will see what else I can do I can’t go through that again it was so painful x

Leianne7 profile image

Thank you everyone for your replies means a lot xx

Hectoria profile image

I had a picc line put in as it would usually take 4 or 5 attempts to get the canula in and my chemo is weekly. I didn't do any background reading, and was a bit shocked to discover the line goes all the way up inside your arm and into the chest near the heart. I was also not told it had to be cleaned and flushed every week which is a right nuisance, especially if you are not having treatment that week. You also can't put your arm in the bath, go swimming or have a sauna. It certainly makes chemo a lot easier, although I feel very peculiar when they put it in straight from the fridge. If I had known what it entailed, I would just have put up with the stabbing pains of the canulas, especially if I was having chemo every 4 weeks. Hope it all goes well for you, whatever you decide to do re canula or picc. The nurses at my centre are not trained in how to use a port, so that was never an option for me.

Neona57 profile image

I had a cannula inserted in A&E 2 weeks ago by a butcher nurse-I remember crying out in pain. I then had a drip of sodium bicarbonate. When it was removed 5 days later there was a hard vein sized lump and several red patches. My GP put me on Flucloxycillin which didn't seem to be doing anything -the lump and redness moved up my arm and then down to a new area. Also had swelling and pain. GP now thinks it is a thrumbo something-a blood clot in the vein. Not dangerous unless it moves to a deep vein so I have to go for a scan next week. Meanwhile have been put on heparin injections. Definately get it checked out soon.

devotedtolife55 profile image

I got up to 9 attempts to cannulate in the CT department, and they told me never again! I now have to arrive 2 hours before my CT scan and go over to the chemo suite where the experts are located and have the cannula inserted there. So far, they have managed first go every time and I am far from easy. I have got busted veins all over my hands as relics from the past. I had a power pic line fitted before chemotherapy and it was wonderful as it avoided all these problems.

Hi Leianne, Like the other ladies have said see if you can have a port,I had mine 2 years now and it's been great , before the port I also had to have many attempts with the canula and ended with bruises and sometimes lumps the lumps did disperse but the worse was the amount of attempts to put in the canula, the port is a life saver. Take care Lorraine xx

Hi Leianne. Port port port. You won't regret it. I've had mine 2.5 years. I have a friend who now has a port but not before she lost all the usable veins in her arms. Now, for a CT scan, they can only use veins in her feet and then only when the right guy is on roster. You wouldn't risk that now would you ??!! So, repeat after me - Port, port port. Best wishes. Pauline.

Leianne7 profile image
Leianne7 in reply to

I spoke to my cns nurse today and she suggest a port she’s getting in touch with my oncologist to see what she suggests so wat h this space lol xx

Bossa profile image
Bossa in reply to Leianne7

Definitely push for a port Leianne. Chemo, blood tests, scans etc are so much easier and hassle and pain free.

What chemo are you on by the way?Xx

Leianne7 profile image
Leianne7 in reply to Bossa

I’m having carbo and Caylex 4 weekly x

judyved-US profile image

Hi Leianne.......I'm in the US and they put the port in right away. I've had mine for 3 years now with no problems. I hope you're able to get one. You'll find it a lot easier, and so will the nurses! Good Luck. XO......Judyved

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