My sister is going to start a clinical trial using Keytruda and Listeria. Has anyone had any experience with this trial?
Clinical trial: My sister is going to start a... - My Ovacome
Clinical trial

Hi there : I have been on Keytruda but not Listeria ....Started last August , came off it end of May . Very tired to begin with and came off it because of reactions late April but in that time , disease has become stable , with growth area s knocked back somewhat .
At the moment , I feel really very good on the good days , a bit ughy on the odd days ....and now on a watch and wait for three months .
I do wonder about Listeria ...not heard of it but will look it up !
Good luck wishes being sent x
Thanks for the response. What were your reactions in April that caused you to come off Keytruda?
Three bouts of appalling vomiting and diarrhoea , accompanied by ghastly , all over rash . This Demonstrated that I had reached a toxicity level with the drug in my system . Unlike chemo , which is flushed out of your body after about 36 hours , the damage having been done , keytruda stays in the body and teaches your immune system to fight the cancer now having recognised it for what it is . A garbled understanding here , but approximately what's going on ! If they had continued with the infusion anaphaltic shock could have followed . You will be watched like a hawk for all of this .
It has been very effective for me , so far , and I would go for it !
Hi I am on just the keytruda trial
For bowel cancer . 12 infusions to date and now in radiological remmison . In the Uk