Hi everyone,
I am a 30yr old new Mommy to an 8month old baby boy. I've been battling with the doctors (and myself) for the last couple of months.
In mid June I noticed my upper abdomen was painful to touch and I had some sharp pains in my abdomen so I booked an apt with my gyno. He sent me in for a pelvic and abdominal sonogram which showed a dilated right kidney (by this time it was mid July). The sonogram did not note anything significant other than multiple bilaterial follicles which the doctor assured me was normal. Due to the enlarged kidney I was sent in for a pelvic and abdominal Ct. Again, the Ct did not show and tumors,cysts, or pelvic free fluid. To everyone's best guess the enlarged kidney was maybe from pregnancy.
Around that time I noticed light rectal bleeding and blood in my discharge (tmi I know). I received a colonoscopy and paps which came back normal. During this whole ordeal my pain was continuing, followed with awful
Heartburn, and I developed a dry hacking couch. I saw another OBGYN for a second opinion and he ordered a CA125 test which came back with a level of 22. I asked for a transvaginal sonogram since my precious ones weren't ,but he told me the other scans combined with the blood test were efficient enough and pretty much chalked my
Symptoms up to postpartum insanity.
Last night I checked myself into the ER due to chest pains. A chest X-ray was done and everything looked clear. The doctors said to their best guess it was probably due to pleurisy from an underlining infection. When rocking my baby tonight I swear I could feel fluid moving around in my lungs.
I guess my question is....... I know somethings not right with my body but feel like I've hit a dead end on who to turn to next. My gut tells me I have Ovarian cancer, and now I'm starting to think more PPC ,but all my data is showing otherwise. Has anyone else heard of anyone going through something like this before getting diagnosed? Am I losing my mind?