Can anyone tell me about a granulosa type tumour please anyone had one ???
Granulosa type tumour: Can anyone tell me about a... - My Ovacome
Granulosa type tumour

I have had granulosa cell tumours, and there have been others on this site. It is a rare ovarian cancer, and slow growing. The most effective treatment is surgery if it is possible to do it. Chemo is not automatically done after surgery in this country, as it is less effective on gct than in some of the faster growing cancers, though I think it is given more often in USA. Having said that, I did have chemo as part of my treatment for a recurrence when surgery wasn't an option till later. A lot of ladies on this site have raised ca125 when they have ovarian cancer, but this is rarely raised in gct. Blood tests for a hormone called Inhibin are often done either as well or instead of ca125, as this may be raised, though it often takes a while to get the results, as it is a specialised test, and the blood has to be sent to a lab in Sheffield for testing. Do you have gct? Have you had any treatment. Please keep in touch. Di
I've just looked at your profile, and see that you have been having checks. Do they think you may have gct? Di
I have granulosa cell tumours on my peritoneum. Following an op to remove what they thought was an ovarian cyst I was diagnosed with gct cancer. Next came a hysterectomy with the hope that that would get rid of the granulosa cells but they had spread to my peritoneum. So 4 rounds of BEP chemo followed which was very tough. Outcome was it had worked - to an extent but there were still some cancer cells around so next hormone drugs were given and regular MRI scans to keep an eye on the tumours. Sadly they are growing so I am now back on chemo but just caelyx which I am tolerating. Have another MRI scan on 2 August to find out if chemo is working or not .... this whole journey is like one big rollercoaster ride.
Sorry you are on the rollercoaster. I hope caelyx works for you. With my last recurrence I tried 3 different chemo & also hormone therapy, then ended up with more surgery to get rid of the little aliens. I should be having a ct scan in September to check whether I'm still clear. Di