Thought I would write an update on where I am with any treatment. My oncologist referred me to another hospital cancer unit where they run trials to see if there was anything suitable for me. I had appointment today and it has been suggested that I may be suitable for txhe trial PF-1367338 and Carobplatin subject to some tests. I have said that I would like to join the trial and have been told that it could start within 2 weeks or so. You can imagine I came out of there with hope. I know they cannot guarantee you anything but I am being positive. Are there any other ladies out there that have joined thi trial, your comments would be great. Luv Jean x
A Good Day: Thought I would write an update on... - My Ovacome
A Good Day

Not on the trial Jean - but so pleased you have something to move forward with.
All the very best to you.
Love Lizzie
I'm not on the trial either Jean.
Hope it all goes well for you. That little ray of sunshine lifts your heart
Love Suex
the best thing abot trials jean, is that follow you very closely for a long time. Keep up your positivity, negativity ONLY brings negativity x
Luv Gill
Hi Jean, Hope is a wonderful feeling and like Gill says try to keep positive it does work. I've had a bit of a downer recently and thanks to the ladies on this site I am on the up again. Good luck on your trial
Chris x x
Good luck with the trial Jean! I was disappointed when I was taken off the Icon 6 trial because I became allergic to carboplatin. The close monitoring is very reassuring. Keep positive!
Good Luck with the trial Jean, Im wishing you every siccess with it
Lynn XX
Sorry got chemo fingers i meant SUCCESS!!!
Hello Jean
I am on a trial, not the same one though. You have every reason to be hopeful and positive. Yes I have to go for scans/check-ups every 3 weeks - so the care they take of you is brilliant. And it is good to know that whatever is being trialled might save lives in the future and you are a part of that.
Love Sarah
Many thanks for all your good wishes. Just come back from a weekend a way in our motorhome, first time I have felt like going anywhere for sometime. Didnt do much but the break was good and I feel much better. Going for my first lot of tests etc on Tuesday, fingers crossed. Luv Jean xx
Good Luck Jean V. Let us know how your trial is going and perhaps we can ask our local hospitals if there's anything going for us.
Hope you keep posting on the blog. xxx
Love Annie