NUMBER 4 CHEMO DONE...: Had my 4th on Tuesday... - My Ovacome

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ricky23 profile image
9 Replies

Had my 4th on Tuesday... platelets just ok but white cells down again bloid test said ok to go ahead. Boy do i feel crap today . I know you all know how that is. Feel so sick. Can't drink much and so so tired . So doing what body says.. rest and sleep. They do seem to get worse each one not looking forward to last 2. But we do it don't we.... sorry to moan when others have far worse problems. Just gate to keep telling hubby how ill I feel He is such a star xxx

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ricky23 profile image
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9 Replies
Yoshbosh profile image

Well done - it's hard but you are nearly there now. Keep your fluids up if you can. Chin up, chuck (as my dad always says).

Yosh x

Hi Ricky, You are more then 1/2 way keep fighting and moan as much as you like any thing that helps, the good thing about this site and all the ladies on it is we have all been there and at times needed to talk ( on line) to someone and who better then another OC warrior.

best wishes Ricky,,Lorraine xx

85live4ever profile image

Hi Nicky, you have every right to moan it's really hard going & you are doing really well.

I am sorry to hear you can't drink much they do say it's important to keep dehydrated while on treatment. I hope that changes as you carry on.

Will they give you a scan at the end of your treatment? I know they don't like to give too many scans.

Good luck on your last 2 chemos fingers cross its not too hard going take care Cindyxx

Emsymits profile image

Hi. I've just had number 3. I was expecting an easy ride like the last two but this one made me so tired. Only just better after a week. I'm not looking forward to number 4 as it does seem to get progressively worse as you say.

Still as Lorraine says, you have only got two to go so the end is in sight.

Hang in there!


Katmal-UK profile image

Your now 2/3s of the way through. Its tough, boy do I remember how you are feeling right now and you moan away lady. Keep yr chin up, or in my case it was chins! Sending you a big hug and lots of best wishes. Kathy xx

Andrea63 profile image

Hi - sorry to hear you're having a bad week but at this end it seems it does get really tough. I had my 4th cycle three weeks after my surgery and a couple of days later I was in bed for 3 days almost unable to move and just not knowing what do do with myself. I felt so terrible I wanted to give up on treatment which felt a bit pathetic, like you say there are so many very strong ladies on this forum who've had many rounds of treatment and I didn't feel strong at all. Once the fog cleared I did start to feel much better and ready to face the final 2 rounds so I really hope you turn that corner soon and get to enjoy some well days before the next round.

I'm in for round 5 next week so know I will be back in the chemo fog this time next least there will then only be one more to go.

Take care.

Andrea xx

IrishMollyO profile image

Hi Ricky

I just want to cheer you on. You did say in your post that you can't drink much but I found out to my cost that drinking water is so important . During my second line treatment last year I either forgot to keep drinking or drank it too late in the evening. This resulted in numerous trips to the bathroom which eventually put me off. I had been told to drink at least 3litres a day . The creatinine levels in my kidneys kept creeping up so they couldn't adjust my chemo upwards each time as planned. In the end they couldn't give me my sixth dose and admitted me for two days to hydrate me ! I'm not trying to scare you but if you do nothing else please try to drink more water. It may also help with your tiredness as dehydration can cause exhaustion too. And you are not moaning. You are sharing with women who understand. Take care


remarkablynice profile image

Rickie 23, #4 carbo/taxol took me out. I couldn't get up and around for a week and was still very weak when I went for #5. I asked about a blood transfusion which they gave me the same day.

The blood transfusion helped a lot. #5 was easier than #4.

Try to keep eating and drinking. I know how hard it is, but it makes a huge difference.

Take care of yourself as best you can. You got this!!

Spencer2016 profile image

Complain all you like! We all do it. It's crappy and no way around it! You've come so far!! Just a few more. You got this Ricky! I too have extremely low blood counts and it does add more fatigue and side effects. But we'll both get through it! Just a little more.

Anne 🌸🌺🌼

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