My: My massive ovarian cyst I would like to know... - My Ovacome

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kimmy1961 profile image
6 Replies

My massive ovarian cyst

I would like to know why it took my doctor 7 months to diagnos a massive ovarian cyct ? I was 49 ,fit and healthy untill i fell on my backside .One minute my stomach was flat ,the next it was huge. It was uncomfortable but not too bad.I went to my doctor and was told i had a water infection ,.I told her my stomach had swollen but she didnt even examine me. I went backand forth over 7months and all the time my stomach was getting bigger but every time they said it was I.B.S and gas in my gut I told her i thought i had an ovarian cyst and i was so embarrassed when she asked if icould be pregnant and proceeded to put the baby monotor on .any way i had to have a totall hystorectomy and have not been the same person since why dont doctors listen ???

Anyway the cyst weghed 11lb and was benign thank god because i wouldnt be here today .

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kimmy1961 profile image
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6 Replies
Tesla_7US profile image

Kimmy, very, very sadly and with anger I had a similar experience. Went to many different docs trying to get to root cause of symptoms. Dismissed, misdiagnosed, marginalized and fobbed off by all of them. Details on my profile. I live in US.

Tay123 profile image

Hi Kimmy

Yep, all too familiar. Took me 4 years. Back and forth being told to lose weight, that I was just too fat and full of wind etc. Long story short, growths on both my ovaries, each the size of melons. Took a 9 hour op to get them out and the surgeon asking me the morning after why had I waited so long because that mass hadn't appeared overnight. Go figure.

I still believe today that had I been listened to in the beginning, the mass would have been caught before it turned cancerous. Too late for me though. Never been the same since either. I'm in UK.

tntknc profile image

Yep this is really a hot button topic for us ladies! We are dismissed so easily! I spent 5 years complaining and was told I had gets, acid reflux, I needed to join weight watchers! I would actually like to find that doctor again and give him a piece of my mind. Not one doctor ever thought outside the box for me. I ended up after 5 years with stage 3c ovarian cancer😡. So now I make it my mission to inform other women to get checked so that maybe, just maybe it can be caught much earlier!

I'm sorry that you had to go through this horrible ordeal too. I hope that at some point you will obtain a good quality of life again. Stay strong.


Carolelynn profile image

i too complain to my family doctor and gyn for 2 years! Kept in top of spots and kept complaining. I was told by both i'm going to be 70 and it's belly fat! BS I have always been size 6 and i started to look 8 months pregnant. Demanded to have a ct scan and an hour later dr called and said "Carole you have to call an oncologist"! Almost fell over. Radial hysterectomy with debunking , 5 tumors and started 18 rounds of chemo. Remission for 10 months then another 18 rounds of chemo. Started new drug RUBRACA which was approved in Dec. You're a very lucky lady as you well know! Just keeping getting CA 125 blood tests. Extremely important . Good luck to you


Spencer2016 profile image

Its infuriating! 😡

Doctors should not stop until they can diagnose a problem clinically. IBS, gas etc.. is NO diagnosis and those Drs should lose their liscence. Brushing off a giant and growing tumor? That sounds like straight up malpractice.

And I would not think twice about looking into that.

Harness your anger in some way that can help someone in your situation seek out answers or kick your ex-doctor in the ass. Lucky for you its benign. For many, its not.

Best, anne 🌺🌼🌸

I had an ovarian cyst many years ago and it makes you feel so uncomfortable with the belly bloating, constipation and not understanding what's going. Eventually my cyst started to twist and I was in so much pain I could not stand up I had to crawl to the phone and get a relative to take me to my GP. I was admitted to hospital and that evening had emergency surgery to remove the ovarian cyst. Mine I was told was as big as a tomatoe. So how you must have felt with an 11b cyst for that length of time must have been absolutely awful. Why don't Doctors listen? I think many of us have experienced that - You could always seek a second opinion from another GP at the practice or change your GP.

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