I just discovered have on and feel very scared. I had CT with contrast which showed the cake still but no metastasis. I am hoping this is a good sign. I have a appointment with Onc on Monday. I have no female organs which were removed several years ago for fibroids. Scared to death
Omental cake: I just discovered have on and feel... - My Ovacome
Omental cake

Hello! Sorry to hear about the omental cake...it sounds as if it should be nice but I presume it means they suspect cancer or have confirmed cancer...is that right? Everyone is scared when they are faced with this possibility. Having said that if you have had hysterectomy and the 'cake' hasn't spread..that sounds positive.
Try to stay in the moment and please stay away from Doctor Google! Over the next few weeks your team will tell you more about what they think and what they are going to do next...this appears to take ages because the whole team discusses you but actually it means that 4 or 5 specialists are all looking at your case in detail and trying to ensure they do the right thing for you. Sending hugs..Lyndy
Hi Lyndy,
No actual Cancer diagnosis has actually happened. The etiology of the cake has not been determined as the CT scan with contract did not detect anything.
I am late to this discussion, but I had confirmed cancer after they did a biopsy of the omentum. Ultimately my initial scan where they seen the omentum caking (and I had to later look up what an omentum is) was otherwise negative.That being said it certainly sounds like good news for you if it isn't showing metastasis. They won't know for sure until I have my surgery after I complete my 3rd round of chemotherapy next week.
Best of luck and please keep us updated.
rteeter, omental caking can be removed surgically, sometimes after chemo to shrink it. The chemo will kill any other remaining micro disease. I had that and I am fine now. Your doctor will have a plan for you. Tesla
Dear Rteeter,
This waiting is awful and your mind goes all over the place, I'm not going to begin to try and talk about your results - you will get your specialists considered view at your meeting tomorrow. Write down now any questions you have on a big piece of paper and either go through them one by one - whatever you're told - or take someone with you to do so. Sometimes we don't ask our questions as we think they're not important or have already been asked but they need raising,
It doesn't hurt to check what was removed years ago too , was it ovaries only or everything? Some ladies were surprised to find that more was left than they thought.
Thinking of you, keep breathing, try and keep calm, no diagnosis until there is one
Take care
Please don't panic, you will know what you're dealing with tomorrow then you can have a plan of action to move forwards with. Sometime the not knowing us the worst bit, once it has a 'name' and you know what's going to happen you are able to deal better with it.
I would check that when you had your previous surgery if they left your ovaries, I'm assuming they did for you to say you have ovarian cancer. The fact it hasn't metastized is really good.
Like Lyndy says try to stay away from the internet or you may just scare yourself silly unnecessarily. I know it's good to have facts and figures but some of the stuff on the internet is so out of date and incorrect.
Be strong, we are all here for you, let us know how your appointment goes. Sending big hugs ❤xx Jane
I had that at diagnosis 6 years ago and it was removed and hasn't come back.
Not that I remember.
Hi Lesley
How are you. My name is Roxanne and I'm reaching out to you as you seem to have experienced what I am about to. I'm scared even after my consultation today. I have no symptoms. I guess that's a good thing.
My surgery to remove my omentum is next Tuesday.
Looking forward to chatting with you. Thank you
Ok everyone.
I seen a Oncologist today and He did a CA125 and is referring me to a Gyn/Onc for consult. He still believes that there my be cancer but nothing is pointing a finger to anything. So I guess we'll see what the CA125 shows. To be continued. UGH..I guess no news is good news
Rteeter, the anxiety of not knowing is just horrible. Sending you ♥️ and 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
My initial CT scan showed caking. I also had fluid in my abdomen called ascites so they were quickly able to extract some fluid for a biopsy to confirm cancer.
After meeting with my gyno onc, I began chemo very quickly . My scan after 3 cycles confirmed the caking was dramatically reduced and the rest was removed in surgery. I'm back in chemo now to "mop it up" and make sure its gone gone gone.
I tell you this not to scare you, but I couldn't believe they could get it out when it sounded like a lot (vs a single tumor) so want to reassure you that they can get it out.
Sending you only good thoughts and wishes. 🌸🌺🌼🌸🌺
Anne the ascites is trace right now. Still waiting on CA125 to come back too. Ref is being made to gyn/onc by the oncologist I saw yesterday.. It is an aweful feeling but I feel at this point no news Or etiology is good news.
So my CA125 came back at 514 high 😭