Really need advise please ladies...Re: OC symptoms - My Ovacome

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Really need advise please ladies...Re: OC symptoms

Prada2016 profile image
9 Replies

Hi guys

Thank you for stopping by.

I am 36 year old female with a young family and am concerned with some symptoms I've had accumulating monthly now.

My GP is a nightmare when I go see him which isn't often because he's so grumpy an dismissive lol I've seen him a few times over last few months it started with pains in bones like knees an shins. Which he said was fibromyalgia. So that was that, then inched a baby 10 months ago and since I had my baby I've had what feels like a mad or lump in my throat. It's random an flares up at different times during day is obviously worse when I eat and is actually getting harder to ear. So brushed it off to an referred me to ENT and said an appt would take up to 8 months.... I am still waiting...

So recently as of last 12 weeks I've a processing list of symptoms which is why I am asking for your kind expertise / opinions list of symptoms are as follows

Abdominal twinge and pains intermittent

Constant twinges I back (lower) mainly 1 side of my back. Right side. Like a kidney infection feeling.

Intermittent Rash flares up on neck fave arms legs, and leaves like these crazy looking leahsons after I scratch an the rash presents itself as like small red spots or a cluster. It mainly plays up at night.

I have bad extended tummy. To the point I look 6 months pregnant.

Periods are up the left but figured .maybe that's because I had a baby 10 months ago?? Who knows ?? There very painful to.

Random migraines lately last 3 or 4 weeks Random.

Bowel habits are all over the place from constipation to can't get off the toilet lol

Sore joints as well as tender skin especially today.

Chesty like breathless now and again

Also get random pressure on my behind like at end of my spine.

I did a private blood work tests I did Ca125 and CEA blood work levels were 16 & 3.3 ??

These are a round up of the last few months I don't want to trawl Google an scare myself I would rather ask someone.

I do have a family history of cancer in case that's relevant as my sister was boarder line and had ovaries removed. My aunt had breast ca very as 42 and my mum is currently dying of renel cell cancer which has spread to the lymph nodes and lungs. She is 56 and it's been an awful shock but we are all coping best we can. On top of this I have 3 young children twins (6) and 10 months old. I am a single parent I run .y own business and life is so hectic I think I do neglect myself as you can imagine life is crazy right now but I am concerned as my own doctor is so dismissive he wouldn't even take blood pressure he pretends he listens then ushers you out the door lol hence I am here open to any advice thank you in advance

D x

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Prada2016 profile image
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9 Replies
Lyndy profile image

Hello D

You have a lot on your plate right now what with children, sick parent and so on. Your CA125 result is take comfort from that. Is there another GP at the practice you could speak to ..or perhaps move to another GP?

Meanwhile it would be good to keep a symptom diary so that you have some evidence of the frequency and severity of your symptoms over a couple of weeks. Keep pushing for an explanation but don't forget that being anxious can produce symptoms too!

Finally..since you have some early onset cancer in your family maybe ask for genetic testing to see if you are at risk...knowledge is power.

I wish you all the best..please try not to worry xx

Prada2016 profile image
Prada2016 in reply to Lyndy


Yes I am going to push for more detailed investigation. Image been brushing it off last few months thinking I am just under so much pressure. But symptoms are not letting up what so ever. And it was only from talking to a friend who had OF said hmmm i dunno I think you really need some tests done. So I am up in arms now and come here for advice as she loves this site an highly recommends it. Thank you so much for taking the time to reply appreciate it. I will keep updating on progress.

Thank you again

Donna x

CallmeMum profile image

Hello lovely,

My advice is the same as most people go back to the docs and don't leave until he sends you for a CT scan and any other scans and check ups available. I usually find mentioning the General Medical Council a very persuasive way of getting what we want they don't like those words and you are entitled to a second opinion if you're not happy with him, a change of doctor may be an idea to consider as well. We will only advise you on what we know from our own personal experiences so please don't take what we say as gospel as everyone has their own journey xxx

Prada2016 profile image
Prada2016 in reply to CallmeMum


Love your style lol medical council I shall "mutter" tomorrow when I call the doctor. Thank you so much for taking the time to reply. Truly appreciate it. I shall go back to gp and push for a scan. An I will happily come back and update in my progress.

Thanks a million

Donna x

CallmeMum profile image
CallmeMum in reply to Prada2016

It's knowing what scares them and knowing how to tarnish their reputations I wouldn't think twice about saying it to anyone in the NHS profession at all if I didn't get what I want 😊 I'm a little rot willer when I need to be I always go with my special person to her appointments just in case I don't like what I hear lol xxx

Prada2016 profile image
Prada2016 in reply to CallmeMum


Oh normally I'm no push over I'm Irish lol but my gp is just a total pompous p#@$k lol he's like so angry with life lol every time I've seen him he's acted like I'm a hindrance and he's in a hurry. 1 time he even made me wait while he text his golf buddy back... I find he doesn't do any obs like blood pressure etc. He's a disaster. I think it's time for a good ol kick up the back side Irish style lol

I will be calling tomorrow an pushing and will say look I don't want to have to go to the medical council. So golf aside mate if like a referral for a ct scan lol will keep you posted

Thanks again

Donna x

Spencer2016 profile image
Spencer2016 in reply to Prada2016

Donna- at minimum I would see if you can find a new Dr. it's important you feel listened to and have some trust. Hope it all turns out to be nothing serious- but keep pushing for answers.

- Anne

Choski profile image

Good advice here in the replies to date - please ask to see another doctor if you can and ask for a referral for an ultrasound scan at the very least. Scan should make it clear if there is something to be seen and that needs further investigation, your doctor definitely seems to have an attitude problem and its within your rights to ask for a scan referral and second opinion.

Also it may be an idea make him aware that you will write a letter to the surgery to go on file on your Medical records that details how many times you've visited the surgery and have not been taken seriously - have a think on that though in case that makes him worse!

Your family history does need taking into account too.

Tajke care and let us know how you get on.

Don't forget you can ring Anna on the freephone OvaCome helpline too - go to the home page at the top of this page and the number is there. Open every day Mon to Fri, it may help to have a chat with her too

Clare xx

Purple-iris profile image

Wow you are dealing with so much already and must be a strong lady . Would agree with others advice definitely time for a new doctor that you can talk to and push for a scan .

Sending you a virtual hug and lots of positive vibes . Love Kim x

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