Taxol as single agent need advice: Hello ladies... - My Ovacome

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Taxol as single agent need advice

lorraine71-Australia profile image

Hello ladies,

I just finished 6 caelyx over the 6 months, 125 came down but not as good as hoped,

My oncologist has advised me to take 6 weeks break over Christmas then I will start

single taxol each week for 12 weeks.

Has any lady had this treatment and was it successful.

Would love to hear from you a bit down at the moment, I had hopes for the caelyx.


Merry Christmas to all

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lorraine71-Australia profile image
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17 Replies
Beckyjh profile image

I can't really reply to your question but can I just ask how you found caelyx? I am about to start 6 rounds of it.

lorraine71-Australia profile image
lorraine71-Australia in reply to Beckyjh

hi Beckyjh,

Yes I have just finished 6 months of caelyx, the first month was great I thought this is going to be easy.

The second month I had a rash all over my body and blisters under my arms.

my oncologist gave me steroids each time I had caelyx this cleared up the rash and the blisters, also I think it help with the side effects that I did get,

other side effects have been my toe nails are falling off and my hands are red and a couple of blisters use plenty of moisturizer ,

I know this all sound bad but I managed ok, and it was only one chemo a month

I still managed to go to my causal job,

For my toe nails each night I soaked my feet in cold water with baking soda then when dry with a eye dropper put tea tree oil in under the nail to keep it from getting a infection.

I read on this site a lady had caelyx and managed, 20 month free as we all know every one is different.

I wish you the greatest of success on the treatment.

If at any time I can help please drop me a line.


Merry Christmas from down under

Hi Lorraine Caelyx didn't do great for me either, I have been on weekly taxol, it's tiring the longer it goes on, but I tolerated it fine, by the end I had what they call a partial response where some spots of cancer reduced, some stayed the same and some increased slightly. There are a few ladies that have either had this treatment or going through it, we are all individual and respond differently to each treatment. Wishing you the very best



lorraine71-Australia profile image
lorraine71-Australia in reply to

HI karen,

Thank you for your information, I hope all goes well for you.

This is a scary journey we are all on and I find corresponding with the ladies on this site when I need advice is so helpful.

I wish you and your loved ones Merry Christmas from down under and a

treatment that will give you soooooooooooooooo much time with your loved ones.


in reply to lorraine71-Australia

Thank you Lorraine, merry Christmas to you and your loved ones to

Take care xxxx

Hi there sorry the Caelyx didnt do the job properly. I have not had taxol as a single agent and cannot answer you. I hope some ladies will respond to you. However dont google, stats are way outdated, from what I have read here Taxol has been tolerated well and has had good results as a single agent, I wish you well

lorraine71-Australia profile image
lorraine71-Australia in reply to

Hi Suzuki,

I am dissapointed the caelyx did not bring 125 down to normal,

May be the taxol will do the trick, we live in hope with each chemo.

Thank you Lorraine

Merry Christmas and I wish you all the best for 2017

lorraine71-Australia profile image
lorraine71-Australia in reply to

Hi Suzuki,

Thank you for your wishes I try not to google, when I need advice I find the ladies on this site who are going through the same journey the best place to go.


Merry Christmas and I wish you well also in 2017 and beyond

from down under

gina profile image

Hi I am on weekly Taxol . I have 4 weeks to go.

It has been very easy to tolerate, no sickness at all , no tiredness,just a bit of pain in my feet. I wear the cold cap every time and so far have kept most of my hair. I have been on several chemo regimes over the last 7years , this one is the best tolerated for me.My ca125 was 1850 to start it went down to 9 a few weeks ago it is 19 at the moment , I hope that is because I have a urine infection. You will normally be 3 weeks on and 1 week off. Good luck with it...give the cold cap a is only uncomfortable for the first 15 mins then it is fine.worth it to keep your hair.

Georgie x

lorraine71-Australia profile image
lorraine71-Australia in reply to gina

Hi Gina,

Great news that your 125 went down to 9, my 125 has only been at its lowest 37 caelyx was my second chemo regimes after being platinum sensitive

So taxol is the 3rd chemo I will be trying.

Do you think taxol has been the most successful for you so far?

I have not heard of the cold cap, I'm in Australia I will ask about it.

I would like to wish you continual success with your health and hope for 7 more years and many more.


Merry Christmas xx

gina profile image
gina in reply to lorraine71-Australia

Hi Lorraine

The. Cold cap is something offered in a lot of Uk hospitals

The one I am using is a Paxman. You could look it up on the internet. I think in America the ladies have to hire the system themselves.

So far the weekly Taxol has been the most successful regime for me.

Best of luck Georgie

Di16 profile image

I had weekly Taxol a couple of years ago with a mixed result. I found it much easier to tolerate than Carboplatin, no nausea or sickness, partial hair loss, some increase in neuropathy in my feet - I already was affected by that due to diabetes. Di

lorraine71-Australia profile image
lorraine71-Australia in reply to Di16

Hi Di,

Thank you for your reply.

Did the taxol bring your 125 down and for how long? and what other chemo have you been offered in the last couple of years.

I finished the 6 months on caelyx and my 125 was still 75 my oncologist said that she did not feel it would bring it down to normal level,

When I ask what that meant she said gave me 12 months I went home so depressed.

I went to a second oncologist he said the he would go with the taxol,

My first oncologist has given me 6 weeks break, the second one felt that that would be ok so after the 6 weeks, I will go back to the original oncologist and ask her to put me on taxol.

The reason I asked you what other chemos you were offed after taxol, I was told that I would only have one more option if the taxol did not work a tablet form.

I'm not sure the name of the tablet but it was hard to hear that I only had 2 options left,

He did mention trials if I was suitable.

I have been on this journey for about 21/2 years now, and know that I will never be cured but hope for a few more year

Thank you Di for reading my long winded reply I have been quite depressed lately and any good story's give me a lift.

Before I finish let me wish you a Merry Christmas and and the best of wishes on your journey.

Lorraine xx

Di16 profile image
Di16 in reply to lorraine71-Australia

Hi Lorraine,

For me, CA125 isn't a marker, so can't go by it at all. For a long time, it was in single figures, even though I had a recurrence, & a few months ago went up to 13. Apparently it is rarely raised in the type of OC I have. After the Taxol I had hormone treatment, much easier than chemo, & usually 1 tablet a day, though your tumours need to be hormone receptive to have those. I went back on chemo at the beginning of last month, Caelyx this time, so will have to see if that has any effect. I should be having the 3rd infusion between Christmas & New Year (can think of better Christmas presents!) I hope the Taxol works for you, & I hope you are able to have a good Christmas before then. Di

LesleyGreengran profile image


I've had one cycle of weekly taxol and don't yet know if it's working. Blood test and doctor appointment next week. But it's been the easiest chemo I've been on so far. Early days yet but I've been out and about every day and done some walks (walk, coffee, cake, sometimes with friends, essential to me to get through treatment) and been painting the bathroom a wall at a time. I gather it can get worse as time goes on but I expect to feel more cheerful about that if there's not long to go and the weather's improving. I use the cold cap and take ice in a smart picnic bag for my hands to try to prevent neuropathy. Some of the nurses have queried that but others are supportive and some know me well enough now to shrug at my quirks, and on the US forum some say their clinics ice their hands and feet.

I also had caelyx but it was found not to be working from the CT scan and CA125 after 4 cycles so was stopped. It was fairly easy and I had a holiday for a week every 4 week cycle including flying to Cork for a golden wedding.

I started taxol a week after seeing the doc as Christmas isn't a big deal for me. I'd rather do chemo in the winter and be ok by Spring (fingers crossed as this is the 4th chemo we've tried for this recurrence). I'm having it weekly for 3 weeks and then a week off.

I hope it works for you Lx

Hi Lesley,

I found your reply very helpful, taxtol will be my 3rd chemo and I was told that my options after taxtol were not good ( I'm hoping I can prove them wrong}

How many recurrence have you had?

I will keep my fingers crossed and any other part of my body that I can cross, that taxtol will work for you please let me know how you go.

I send you all the best and wish you and your loved ones

Merry Christmas from down under.

Lorraine xx

LesleyGreengran profile image
LesleyGreengran in reply to lorraine71-Australia

Hi. It's hard to say now what number recurrence. It started as my 2nd but I've been on chemo for over a year, apart from 6 weeks in the summer while I had a scan and waited to see the doc and had a holiday. I had an allergic reaction to carboplatin and then cisplatin worked at first and then didn't, then caelyx which didn't do much either. I'm hoping the taxol will be more effective as I've read that it has worked for other women. It's certainly, so far, been easy to tolerate. I hope it's the same for you x

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