My friend (from the hospital) was just diagnosed stage 4oc and like to hear positive stories and I told her about this site and promise to her that I ask you about your stories ❤
Is here stage 4 long term survivors?: My friend... - My Ovacome
Is here stage 4 long term survivors?

Hi Daniella no one has replied to this yet but yes there are a number of ladies I know about who were dx stage 4 but lived to tell the tale. I am hoping to be one of them in the future!
Onwards and upwards XxL
There are ladies here at stage 4 who are doing well so hopefully they will see your post and reply. There is a lot of hope and positivity around for ladies with a stage 4 (spread of cancer) diagnosis. You sound like a good friend and hopefully your friend can also come to this site and read the posts and see the warmth and caring that is here for us and her and you.
Take care and please wish your friend well from me at what must be a scary time for her. Treatment is doable, our oncologists, nurses etc will help us as much as possible, medicines can be changed etc etc , she will be supported and friendship and her positivity can help too.
Clare 💐
Thanks Claire
She was in some group at Facebook but left cause' there was so much negativity and bad stories so she don't want hear when women say goodbyes and stuff.
But thanks your repsonse, lovely 😇
It can be overwhelming especially when diagnosed... It's over four years since I had cause to join this forum. Along the way I have said goodbye to some good friends... sadly inevitable with this disease BUT I have been inspired every time I have logged on by how well so many amazing women live... There are of course 'positives' to find in those who have long lives after OVCA but even greater positives, I think, in the compassion, expertise, energy, time, honesty and friendship shared here and amongst others who have faced similar things and who hope to make things a little better for those who follow us... Sx
Perhaps it might be a good idea to suggest your friend joins this site, explain to her how it works and she can take it from there. We have some great people on here doing extremely well.

Have to try thanks !
Hi I am stage four and will celebrate two years since ending chemotherapy. It has been a bit of a struggle at times and I'm not the woman I was. However, I am well looked after and have had times of real remission with energy and ability to do things. It will take time but there is quality of life and who knows how long it will last. I amlearning to pace myself and live for the moment. That is probably a lesson everyone needs.
Hi there - I'm also stage four but only being diagnosed this summer I can't yet call myself a long term survivor BUT I already am in my head! I have had so far 11 weekly chemo sessions and have 7 more to go until I have another scan to see how it's going. My last scan showed improvement in all areas (even the liver where the cancer had spread to) so you see there is a lot that can be done. The side effects of chemo aren't great but they have been manageable and each time I go I tell myself this is making me better - and it is! I am lucky to have good friends and I find this forum is full of positive energy and kind people, many who which have been through so many things and are hear to tell the tale so please tell your friend to believe there is hope because there truly is and though she many have to modify her life in some ways whilst undergoing treatment this is a time to appreciate the sunrise or sunset, loved ones, and all the things we're often too busy to pay attention to when cancer is not in our lives. I've been editing a novel I had pretty much finished before diagnosis and it will be published next year. All these things keep me going and there is much to keep going about!
Hope this helps and please encourage your friend to join this wonderful forum!
Love and big hugs to you
Mary xx
So lovely reply ! My friend is going to appreciate this and I know these stories help her in this awful situation!! Thanks
I hope that you going to be cancer free for looong time when you finish those sessions and wishing you the best luck for your scan❤
Lets us know when your novel is published ... what is the subject ?? 😃
Not sure am supposed to through this forum as it may be seen as advertising but if I can find a way I will let people know! It's a love story but not a traditional one...lots of strange twists and turns and lots of it is about finding your true self and being that person no matter how the world tends to demand the opposite! Thanks for your interest, Shellygirl. xx
Aww, you are so welcome, Daniella. Anything that gives your friend a boost is good news. I remember how scared I was too but I'm choosing to be strong and focus on making the most of every day rather than count them. xxx
Hi there,
I am stage 4 OC and after surgery and chemo, my cancer is classed as non curable but controllable.
I am very carefully monitored, my lungs, liver kidney and bowel remain clear of the cancer and I manage to live a relatively normal life between chemo treatments and have had periods of remission which I use to make the most of all the friends, and we share and create good memories and love and live for the day.
No one knows what the future holds but don't ever let that stop you enjoying the present and appreciating the beauty love friendship care and positivity that is here today.
Tell your friend to try the site and see what it gives her.
Gabsters xx
Hi. I was diagnosed in December 2010. I've had recurrences but been well and fit, even walking the Pennine Way last year, between bouts of treatment. I had over two years clear after the first treatment, op and chemo, and then over a year after second chemo. I'mhope your friend does well x
Dear Daniellafriman, tell your friend I was diagnosed in 2013 and I went 4 years, after chemo and surgery. In 2018 it came back, had chemo and after Niraparib, which has stopped working recently, so will be starting my 3rd chemo again in probably a couple of weeks time and I will also be followed by a nutritionist this time. She has already got me on a diet to build up my immune system and will also, hopefully, help me with the side effects. I will definitely carry on with a more healthy lifestyle after the chemo has finished this time. I have learnt to be more positive - there are always new things coming out - and live life from day to day - you learn to get joy out of the small things. A big hug to your friend. Anne xx