So happy that my last chemo is getting done today . I'm not going to lie , I'm so nervous about the ct scene in few weeks I don't know how I'm going to control my self from not being stressed about it .. But I'm so glad to have all of you to express my feelings and get a good advice .. xo Suela
My last chemo ☺️: So happy that my last chemo is... - My Ovacome
My last chemo ☺️

That's great - roll on being side effect free! Try to plan a little treat and activity from scan day to results day to distract yourself.
Sandra x
That's great news. I can't wait to get to the last one. I agree the CT after is the scary bit.
Fingers and toes crossed for a great scan result
LA xx
Well all is finished now and you can breathe a huge sigh of relief. Hopefully your scan will show a good result and you will get a break. I think we all get stressed about scans the thought of having them and then the waiting. But as has been said, try and focus on something nice you can do to take away the worry of the scan. Maybe a meal out or a trip out for a day when you are up to it. We need things in our lives other than hospital visits and scans and scan result. I would imagine the staff have told you if your 125 has reduced and if so take that as a positive. I wish you well and do try not to worry too much.

Thy Suzuki
As you know it's not easy not to think about It .But I have to learn to live with this and just hope for the best xo
Good news. Hope you can have some fun times over the next few weeks, as you start to re-energise. Try and put the CT scan to the back of your mind, until you have to go.
Well done
Love Loraine 💙
Amazing news! I'm so happy for you! Try not to stress too much about the scan. The anxiety will just make you tired and there's not a thing you can do about it until it actually happens. (Easy for me to say, I know!) But if you can, just focus on getting your strength back. You've been through so much and have done so well! Kerry xx
I know Kerry it is .Im almost done here now and I just want to run out lol ..
I really hope to get a big break from all of this and to be able to I have to control anxiety and be thankful that so far so good .. I wish all the best for you xo
We will all be thinking of you, I think we go into panic mode at the end of treatment with all the what ifs, I know because I am super great at it. Look after yourself for the next while. If there is a support centre near you for cancer patients, try it out it could help you, you can also ring the Ovacome Nurse here and she will put you a little at ease.
Well done Suela for getting through all that chemo. I used to be demob happy too. I hope you enjoy the coming weeks as any remaining side-effects dissipate and there's a chance of lovely spring days too.
Scans have never really worried me. What is there is there and worrying doesn't make things any different - it just makes you feel worse. I know that's not how everyone feels but if you can find that sort of frame of mind you will enjoy each day to the full.
Have you any plans? Things you haven't been able to do for months or just something new for the sake of it.
Love xx Annie
Hi Annie,
I'm not sure how I feel to tell you the truth . When I started I couldn't wait to be over and now I have all this emotional feelings running through my head .. Also I still feel some of the symptoms blooding and back pain . I did talk to the doctor and they won't me to get the scan done .. My ca-125 is 11 from 40 when I started and having low grade I'm happy with the results.. But i have to learn to live with this and will take time .. I do have plans I would like to go back and visit my home cuntry and from there I like to go to Vegas never been there . I pray to God to help me and hopefully I will get a good out come .. Xo Suela
So happy for you Suela. Try to live in the moment and don't let your imagination run away and make you think up all sorts of outcomes. Many support centres offer mindfulness courses and counselling and I found them wonderful. They focus your mind on what is happening right now and not what might happen in the future. You have completed your chemo and that is a huge mountain you have climbed . I wish you all the best with your scan .,please keep in touch and let us know how it went
Really sorry Suela . I should not have presumed that you would have time to go to support groups . I really admire women like you who bravely return to work. I was lucky in that I had already taken early retirement. In any case you can practice" living in the now " anytime without having to go to a class. Also there are lots of books on the subject. I do wish you all the best Suela and I do know how you feel. I am getting a CT scan myself this Fri and trying to practice whst I preach !
Thank you Suela. I pray every day as I believe in the power of prayer and I include all the women on this site . I think it is what has kept me going for 5 years . I pray especially for the doctors and nurses that they will be guided to do the right thing and choose the best treatment for each patient. And the last prayer I say is " Let go, Let God " which is exactly what you do by leaving it in Gods hands. Take care