Hi it appears that in due course Avastin may not be suitable for my mother due to complications with the bowel. Does anyone know of alternatives? Many thanks to all those who replied previoulsy it was incredibly helpful.
Avastin: Hi it appears that in due course Avastin... - My Ovacome
Apologies, I am not actually sure if your Mum is actually on it at the present time or was hoping to go on it. Yes there are risks as are attached to any treatment, I was lucky that I had no major side effects, just sinuses and things like piles and my tummy did kick up towards the end. My scope showed nothing untoward so it was more than likely the Avastin, If your Mum had bowel issues already, then she may not be a suitable candidate. I would advise you to ring the Ovacome Nurse for any information you may need. There are other drugs out there but your Mums Oncologist is the person who will order the treatment most suitable for her. Wishing you both the very best.
Hope your mum is comfortable and you are getting some rest yourself . The only other style maintenance drugs are called parp inhibitors . They have been should to be most effective in people who are Brca positive ( gene mutation). I don't think they are available off trial but there are lots of trials exploring this . They may also be of benefit to non braca women but this is less proven . Think it's always worth asking about trials early but it wouldn't be til after chemo these drugs would be given so you have plenty of time .
Yes they are starting trials here as well for Parp which is a good thing. Hopefully they will come on market for us in due course