Saw my onc today.have to have chemo once a week for 18 weeks.i did question the use of carbo plating again as I only stopped chemo in February.she said doing it this way was more effective.i suppose she knows what she's doing I guess I'm feeling abit negative because it didn't work before.regards Carolyn x
Chemo: Saw my onc today.have to have chemo once a... - My Ovacome
I suppose she knows what she is about, maybe it is more effective this way, if not you will find out in a few weeks time and perhaps revisit her decision. Maybe it makes more sense attacking it weekly as it will build up and work better.
Well I hope not really convinced you say I wil find out in a few weeks.
Hi. That's interesting. Are you platinum resistant then? I stopped 1st line in October and was put on letrozole . I am seeing my oncologist next week and will know then if they suggest my going back on chemo.
I can understand your reluctance. I had mine every week for 18 weeks with a couple of hiccups in between . I was on the icon 8 trial and it was a randomised trial. Apart from fatique, I was pretty well on it and hope you are to. Take care.
Yes I am platinum ca125 came right down after good result but my cancer is active again 3 months later.thats what's bothering me it's the same drug again so it could happen after this new lot.i suppose I should be more positive but I just don't want a repeat of what's happend.regards Carolyn x
Hi Carolyn. I am inoperable and platinum resistant with high grade serous stage 3 and one of my options apparently is the Rotterdam regime.
Can I ask where you are? I am in Aberdeen.
I'm in Perth Scotland.i read about the Rotterdam regime and it seems to get good was in my mind to ask about that but my onc seemed set on more carbo plain.regards carolyn

Hi Carolyn. It's Jacqui here. Went for my ONC appointment yesterday and am happy to say I am not going back on chemo yet. I am very fortunate as it would seem the Letrozole is helping slow down the disease for me. My CA 125 has even dropped a little. Back in 3months unless symptoms increase so I am pleased about that. Could Letrozole be an option for you.
Regards jacqui
Hi jacqui that's really good news you must be relieved.i will see my onc once the chemo has started so I will ask about the letrozole regards Carolyn x
Hi. It is difficult to go against what your ONC suggests. I will know on Tuesday where I go from here. Are you treated in Perth. I am glad to hear from someone who is in Scotland as was wanting to discuss and compare the treatments across Scotland. The grass is always greener sort of thing. Take care and hope whatever chemo you go on allows you a good response.
Yes I'm treated in Perth I'm very lucky as a lot of Perth people have to go through to nine onc is based in nine wells and comes through to Perth on a Thursday to do her clinic..if you have any problems that you want seen to its a trip to ninwells to the oncology ward.please let me know how you get on on Tuesday.regards Carolyn x
Your are fortunate that you do not have to travel Carolyn and yes I will indeed let you know how Tuesday goes. I have been on Letrozole for 3 months so will find out if it has helped in anyway. Apparently 1 in 5 ladies respond to it. Fingers x
Take care
Hi Annie. Yes it's horrible and this will be my second line. I am also stage 3. Where will you get your 2nd opinion from and was that difficult to achieve? Is your ONC pro active and thinks out of the box. Jacqui
Hi Annie. I went to my ONC yesterday and am not to be put back on chemo yet as the Letrozole is apparently slowing things down a bit. I am happy about that and will see him again in 3months unless I need to go back earlier. Would Letrozole be an option for you maybe?
Regards Jacqui .