does anyone know of someone surviving stage 4 ovarian cancer for 20 years ?
Survival long term : does anyone know of someone... - My Ovacome
Survival long term

The answer to this is that I do. My aunt's best friend has. She still sees her oncologist every 4 months at the Liverpool Women's, She was Stage 4 at diagnosis. She had radiation therapy in the 80s. Xx
I was 39 and diagnosed at stage 4 last March. I'm praying that I can survive 20 years ! Xo
I was diagnosed with terminal stage 4.
Still ok and healthy 5 years on. ONC cannot find it on scans. Really miraculous. Long may it last. I just live a healthy life and listen to my body.
So there good news stories around.
hope this helps. X
Yes my podiatrists wife was diagnosed stage 3/4 aged 23 she's now 58 with no recurrence.
Not 20 years yet just 4 years 4 months since diagnosis of stage 3/4
My lovely Mum was diagnosed with advanced OC (sorry don't know what stage) and given 2 years to live when she was only 44 years old - she is alive and well and 72 now. Best wishes to you xxxx
I was diagnosed with stage four in 2000 and have had five recurrences but free for last four.It is apparently very unusual to follow this pattern and three times have been told that I am terminally ill but have reached retirement age.I have six month check ups but have not met anyone else who has survived this long.
I was diagnosed stage 4 last July and im now currently disease free!! I hope for at least another 20 years xox
I've made it to 16 years after being diagnosed with Stage 1V Ovarian Cancer in April 1999. I had massive pulmonary embolisms and a Ca 125 of 9800 at the time. After finishing treatment (3 chemo's before and 6 after surgery) I was "disease free" and thankfully remain so. I truly hope to remain that way and count every day I remain in remission as an absolute blessing. My Ca 125 is at 7.
Wow ladies this is giving me so much hope! I was diagnosed as 30 years old, 3c in 2011 and still fighting... This Unwanted friend just doesnt want to leave. If u have any hints ;);) what to do im happy to give it a go :)
i wishto be here 20 years... I want to see my son to be an adult x
Here is my ten point strategy
1 food mainly organic vegetarian no sugar 2 juicing 3 vitamins and protein shakes 4 pilates 5 breathing exercises ( you can do them in bed) 6 believe in power of prayer , start and end the day with one 6 talk through and resolve emotional / financial / family issues to cut out stress 7 do ask for and get support 8 read everything you can find about your case and ask dr questions . double check everything dr says 9 have a goal ( lose weight , learn to dance ...) 10 have a heath - routine and follow it , giving up does not require any committment !
I love to hear from others please about their coping strategies !
Reading all your survival stories has given me so much hope I was diagnosed in 2013 stage 3c aged 42 and the mothrr of 2 baby girls aged 5 & 3 I pray to God I am around in 20 years for the sake of my girls. ........ feeling hopeful.
I was diagnosed with Stage 4a ovarian cancer (primary site fallopian tube) in Sept.2014. After the surgery and chemo, I am in remission. It is so gratifying to read all the posts of all you brave women and your survival stories. It gives me new hope.
Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Amazing and inspirational!