Not feeling too bad at all, not taking the anti-sickness tablets as they make me sooo constipated but not feeling sick at all. Energy much better today so back at work. Do you all get given antibiotics to take as a matter of course from day 8? I have attached a photo of my friends and I at the coffee morning I held last Friday. We made £250 for Ovacome. Lovis x
Had Gem, Carbo and Avastin Tuesday: Not feeling... - My Ovacome
Had Gem, Carbo and Avastin Tuesday

Hi, glad things going well, Sandra only took half her antisickness medication on each regimen of chemo, each morning 2 days and didnt bother with the evening dose. The question ref antibiotics, they should only be provided as and when required which is usually during a period of infection and neutropenia and usually with a stay in hospital to treat the cause. Gemcitibine is notorious for knocking the neutrophils and placing you at risk of infection. Some people however get through the 6 cycles without any need for antibiotics or G-CSF injections. Just keep an eye on your temp especially during day 10 to 14. Good luck. Love Paul.

many thanks and love to Sandra
Take things easy Lovis. Don't overdo it.
It is a lovely photo of the three of you. And thank you for inserting me into it.
Love and best wishes
Mary xx
Dear Mary,
You had me going there for a minute then I realised you are on the cover of the magazine (you look lovely)
love x G x

I think that's what they mean by "photo bombing" Gwyn. xx
Haha Mary,
My son has just returned home from a trip to Russia and when he showed me the pics of him on his phone...
I asked who the people were.. (there were people in the background) and they were smiling and waving, he hadn't a clue who they were (just edging in on his photos) teehee.
Hi Lovis,
I was given antibiotics at every chemo session to take as a matter of course. Lovely picture
Hi Pelican, I'm 53 too. Do you go to Ipswich Hosp as well as I live in Suffolk too. thanks for the advice re antibiotics. I live in Monks Eleigh. Lovis x
Yes I do go to Ipswich Hospital under the care of Dr M. Sadly I'm no longer 53 as my birthday was in February. We should try to meet up sometime if you would like.

When are you next in, I'm in the day room next Tuesday 1st for treatment at 3.00. My consultant is Dr Soomal. Lovis

Hello Chris, It was so nice to meet you yesterday and thank you for the flowers. I got out of there at 5.00pm and am feeling alright today apart from my liver area hurting in my back. It was better yesterday before the chemo so I think Gem has a bit of an effect on my liver. Better stay off the booze tonight then!!!
Hi So lovely to meet you and glad yr feeling ok. I remember having pains with my treatment but felt it was the cancer being destroyed but it is hard not to be worried. Take care Kris x
So pleased to hear that you are not too sick on this treatment. Gemcitabine can stuff you up quite a bit, it did me, so lots of fresh fruit n veg, water, Movecal did the trick when it was really bad. If you can do without the anti sickness drugs that's great.
Lovely pic xxxx
Hi. I am on same treatment as you. I have had one cycle so far. White bloods cells a little low to start 2nd round. Monday it should go ahead. Good luck and keep us informed. Do you have Braca gene.
Hi Lovis
I've just completed the Gem/Carbo and Avastin regimen. I felt pretty good though was warned I'd be very tired on this combination. Apparently the Gem either stuffs you up or 'makes you go'. All in all it didn't turn out to be too difficult.
I couldn't have the first top-up of Gem after the initial first dose so I was given GCS-F injections to take from Day 10 to Day 15 - self-administered. I think other women may be given other stuff according to what the problem is. Anyway my Filgrastim injections, which stimulate the bone marrow to produce extra white blood cells, did the trick and I didn't have to delay any of the other treatments and I didn't get a single infection throughout the 19 weeks.
I hope the course goes well for you.
It's brilliant you raised so much money for Ovacome from your Coffee Morning! I don't know how you fitted both into one week!
Love Annie xxxx
I also recently finished carb/gem etc. My immune system was fairly robust I only needed antibiotics for a couple of UTIs and my WBC only fell just below normal once so they halved my prescription which meant I had to wait a bit longer.
Well done on money raised, and glad treatment going well without too many side effects.
Love Jenny xxx
Lovis, just wondering how you managed to add a picture? Just had one 7 day course in 6 cycles to sort out a vein infection in my arm. They won't prescribe 'just in case' meds as they insist on seeing you. Well done on the £250 x
Thanks Lovis, I have tried in private messages but never on open ones. Can't do it in a private message unless you know a way. X