I had a stomach and pelvic ct scan today and ha... - My Ovacome

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I had a stomach and pelvic ct scan today and have not been diagonosed with anything , as I was leaving the tech said she would pray for me

hailmary profile image
21 Replies

I wonder if she saw a tumor I know they are skilled to read the scan, so I must have something very wrong.

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hailmary profile image
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21 Replies
Seren18 profile image

Don't worry she possibly says that to everybody as she is that sort of person which is very nice. We all worry about results, just wait and see. Whatever happens at least you are being checked out and then you can deal with the situation quickly.Gillx

TrishLey profile image

Honestly don't worry, lots of people who are religious say that and mean it in a good way. I don't know where you 're from but if you happen to be Irish you'll know what I mean. It's quite common.

I wouldn't read anything into what the tech said, she may have just meant that she would pray for you...(you might have looked worried)..besides another person interprets the scan (a doctor) the technician wouldn't.

I take it you don't live in England... as I don't think they are allowed to say they would pray for you..it is not politically correct... I personally think we have gone daft and are not allowed to say anything... taking political correctness too far... But then again if people read more into it maybe they ( whoever they are lol ) are right.

Best wishes and try not to worry.

Love x G x

sarah1963 profile image

I have worried so many times about the way the scan technicians have treated me after the scan. And have been quite wrong. Comments like 'I'm sure I'll be seeing you again'. They also treat you differently once the scan is done and want you out of the room as quickly as possible.

Please don't set any store by it. They really aren't the ones that know. I hope you don't have to wait for the actual results too long. Please don't fret like I have done. Xxxxx

The people usually taking CT scan are qualified radiographers and should have had extra training to do CT scans, they see and do many scans in a day and don't usually have time to know a lot about your medical history to make any comment, its is a doctor that will interpret the scan. I wouldn't take any notice of what was said

Quite inappropriate behaviour on their part, however well meant.

I would complain to the hospital. Contact PALS or the equivalent. I've always found them very helpful.

Not everybody appreciates the "value" of prayer.

The technician saying it assumes everybody thinks like them. We don't.

Some would be offended by a random stranger being so intrusive.

Most importantly perhaps, it has had the effect of really worrying you.

That is why the individual needs to be warned not to do it again.

I agree with everyone else about who it is who will be looking at the scan and I wish you all the very best for the outcome xxxx

Whippit profile image
Whippit in reply to

I have a sympathy with all you say. I don't think it's appropriate for a member of staff to say they will pray for a patient as it can be misconstrued and the patient may think things are really bad. Perhaps Trish's explanation of customs being different in different parts of the UK explains it all and such a comment may be quite acceptable and commonplace in Ireland. I'd have been horrified had that happened to me in Cardiff or London and it would really have worried me as it would have given me the impression the health professional thought I was beyond help from them.

An interesting thread to read all the different viewpoints. It just shows what a challenging job these people have. It must be like walking on glass dealing with everyone's beliefs and expectations.

Hopefully ..... oh haha ...... I've just scrolled up to see the screen name of the member who started this thread .... so I guess perhaps you do live in Ireland HailMary?

Thanks for starting such an interesting thread. xxx love Annie

cloverh profile image
cloverh in reply to

I agree with everything you said , "inappropriate .... however well meant". I thought health care professionals got training regarding saying things like that.

Reading other comments, I would like to add to the comment I have already made (above) speaking for myself I would be thrilled if a member of the medical staff said they would pray for me, as a Christian I feel it is a caring person that would say this...if on the other hand you are an atheist ...then it shouldn't worry you at all...because it shouldn't make any difference to the outcome (or should it ?) we are becoming a nation of complainers and political correctness is carried too far...I certainly don't feel it is cause for making a complaint... but then we are a nation of not worrying about losing someone's job over trivial things...and would it make you happier to complain ? I think not...take the comment for what it is, don't read into it.. If I was to complain about everything that was said to me over five years I would be filling in paper work most of the time.

Best wishes to your outcome love x G x

in reply to

I echo this, its just a figure of speech, I doubt she had time to analyse the results. Even if the results next week show a mass it would need further testing to find out if it is benign or not. Xx

Honey3 profile image

I also echo Gwyn's comment. I can't imagine anything but good intentions in saying, "I'll pray for you,". Do try not to worry, though of course it is easier said than done. I hope you get the best results possible. Love, Honey xx

hailmary profile image

thank you for your reply I was in for stomach and pelvic looking for ovarian and bladder problems, she said if it's life or death your dr will get the report right away. Dr calld this morning and is seeing me at 10. I'm such a weenie I can't quit crying

hailmary profile image

Hi Honey dr called I am seeing him at ten and the tech said if its a life or death scan the dr will see you asap...it's for ovarian cancer and bladder issues which neither have been been diagnosed yet, omy way there now I will respond if you'd like to my resultsl

in reply to hailmary

Please do let us know how you get on...sending best wishes love x G x

wendydee profile image

Hi Hailmary

I hope that, by now, you've had the situation clarified. I hope you're relieved too. If there is a possibility of a diagnosis of OC, there's a very informative website with fact sheets (under the 'resources' heading) and details of a nurse led helpline. It's on ovcome.org.uk The charity is for some who are having treatment or diagnosis of OC and there's a BEAT symptom tracker there too, which you may find helpful.

I hope you get some support from the site, as you have from this one

Let us know how things are going, there are plenty of women on here who cope wonderfully with treatment, remissions, recurrences and all the other stages of the diagnosis. It's not the end of the line.

All the best

Love Wendy xx

hailmary profile image

Hello Everyone. I have had a CT and an ultrasound. The Dr. said the CT showed a 7.7 cm mass like lesion on the right ovary abutting the uterine fundus. However the ultrasound showed according to my Primary Dr. that it was a large fibroid, which is in my history. I am 66 years old.There is also a 2.2 cm mass lesion on the right kidney. I see the Urologist Tuesday for a cystoscopy to look into my bladder which was already scheduled and will get his opinion. My Urologist is the one that was taking care of me in the firs place because I have persistent blood in my urine for about three weeks now and he is the one that arranged the CT. But when he sent me to my Primary to do the blood work, my Primary Doctor jumped in and arranged for the CT to be done a day sooner, which is why I got the results from his office on Friday morning. I don't know if I should breathe a little easier or not. Hopefully the Ultrasound is true for the O/C. Now I wait and see for the bladder and the kidney. I can't tell you what a nice feeling to wake up in the morning and check my email and read about love and hope and support, it's a miracle to me to find this support. I will give an update.

in reply to hailmary

Dear Mary,

I am glad things seem to be a lot better for you now, best wishes, love G

If you have not been diagnosed with anything, perhaps the praying comment was just what she says to everyone.

in reply to

Or perhaps the praying worked !!!

AndreeP profile image

I wouldn’t worry about it, here in Canada, a technician takes the scan, but the results are interpreted by a doctor. She was probably being kind and sensed you needed some comfort. Whenever someone says they will pray for me I always say thank you because I know they mean well, regardless of what my personal beliefs are.

Sunfleury-UK profile image
Sunfleury-UK in reply to AndreeP

Hi AndreeP,

You've replied to an old post (from 4 years ago)- its really easily done and over the years we have often enquired if these could be turned off for comments but remain as the useful resource they are.... If you look at the top you'll see the date stamp. It can be a little distressing as some of the posts will have been written/commented on by good friends who are no longer with us. Sx

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