hello all
I had a stent fitted in September from my kidney to my bladder but have been plagued by infection since. I've had one 7 night stay in hospital which meant that I had to come off the trial drug for a week or so. The infection recurred within 3 days of finishing the anti-bs. The urologist told me that they would not replace the stent whilst I had an infection and that it was unlikely to be harbouring infection as the anti-biotics would flush through it. All very well but I am fed up with being on strong high dose anti-biotics plus the trial drug.
So lovely ladies, I wondered whether any of you have any experience of this and how it can be resolved.
I could go on and on about treatments (now on my 8th sort) and drugs trials but this would make it into a very long post indeed!
I bumped into Leolady at the Marsden this week and she was about to have an ascities drained. She was her usual upbeat self. I am sure you will join me in wishing her and her husband well - a good recovery and an increased appetite.
Love to you all. Never, never, never give up!