My results: My scan results were very... - My Ovacome

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My results

poleglass profile image
39 Replies

My scan results were very dissapointing today Some of the tumours have remained the same ,some have only shrunk by 2 millimimetes but the one they are concerned about is over the liver and has doulbled in size to 3.7They are giving me the benefit of the doubt so gave me chemo today and wil give me one more then re, scan to see if there is a marked improvement.MY ca127 only came down from 578 tp 538 not great. Am so dissapointed. Has put a bit of dampner on london trip on monday to the awards but am determined to enjoy myself and spread the word of ovarian cancer in any way i can. Thw award ceremony is being aired on tuesday night on all i.t.v. regions. Dont know if i wil be on as there will be so many participants, as they will not have time to show all but no fears girls, I will be lurking in the back ground, giving out awareness leaflets to the celebs.Fighting our corner!! There will be no escape and no way out!!!.Wish me luck. Going out tomorrow to hire formal dress! Hoping to get a teal one, the colour of ovarian cancer awareness and will make abandana to match. Ill be the best dressed baldy women you know!!! xxKeep you all posted and those of you who pray, say one for me.

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poleglass profile image
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39 Replies
Sunfleury-UK profile image

Dear Una, I am so sorry that your results today were disappointing- what a roller-coaster of emotions this week. I followed the links that Gwyn recently posted and you have been in my thoughts today. You have such a beautiful voice and spirit and such a lovely family. I wish you strength and hope and very best wishes, Sarah xxx

poleglass profile image
poleglass in reply toSunfleury-UK

Sarah, we all inspire one another and its so wonderful.and help each other to walk this difficult unpredictable journey. Thank you for you r kind comments.Una xx

HerThing profile image

Hi Una

Sorry to hear your scan results are not all you would have hoped. Such a tumult of emotions you must be dealing with. I admire your attitude so much. You go and enjoy your special day girl, you have deserved it. Deal with the other stuff afterwards. I have no doubt that OC awareness will be well and truly raised. We don't normally watch the awards (it is quite heart wrenching TV), but rest assured we will be watching this time and we'll certainly be looking for the lady in teal.

Best wishes from us both...enjoy.

Andy and Angie x

poleglass profile image
poleglass in reply toHerThing

thanks to both of you. This award belongs to all of us walking this journey. we are all in it together.xxUna

So sorry for this sad news, thinking of you love x G x

poleglass profile image
poleglass in reply to

Thanks gwyn. Our lives are emotional rollercoastrs so i supose we have to take the downs with the ups.Una xx

doreenharwood profile image

Hope they do show your awards on TV as you are a very deserving lady. As for the tumour we will all pray that they go away and you are fighting to raise awareness for many more years to come. Love Babs x

On the plus side Una, the treatment is continuing so there must be hope that it will continue to do its job. Your CA125 was down too though I can understand your disappointment. On the plus side too is the real thought that you have given me and others heart to feel we may be able to raise awareness in a small way. What I have learned from you is that if the cause and reason for making yourself heard is a valid and important one, then one person's voice can make a difference. People don't like to see injustice on this scale do they? I think when voices aren't heard or ignored and lives are being lost because of ignorance, then this is truly an injustice. I hope you have a lovely time at The Awards and Ill be watching. Even if you're not shown, Ill know you're there which is incredible in itself .. Love Tina x x

Hi Una,

It's difficult getting such good news then not so good news in the same week.

Enjoy the awards, look beautiful in teal and try and put other thoughts to the back of your mind.We should all be quite good at this by now!

I am very proud of you.

Anne x

trolleydollyuk profile image

Thinking of you and said a prayer for you and all the other ladies on the site. Enjoy London xxx

citrine profile image

Dear Una

So sorry the results were disappointing. I hope things will improve before the next scan.

Have a great time in London.

Love Mary xx

Whippit profile image

Dear Una,

What a roller-coaster this week. I'm hoping you're feeling well enough to enjoy Monday for all its worth. You've made an amazing contribution with your singing to raise funds for the hospice, and speaking to the N Ireland Government to persuade them to launch an awareness-raising campaign. Your success at that was mentioned last week at the Royal Society of Medicine. It is an amazing feat and one that will grow and grow across the country so you should feel very proud of yourself.

I'm in London Monday. Is there a red carpet somewhere where you'll be arriving by limo so I can join the throng of well-wishers and fans. I think you'll be easily spotted in your teal gown and exotic bandana. I think you carry the style very well. It certainly looked good on the TV report.

Good luck for Monday. Throw all cares to the wind for a day and we'll celebrate with you.

xxxx Love Annie

poleglass profile image
poleglass in reply toWhippit

Oh! Annie .I am thrilled to know that the royal society of medicine mentioned little ole me!! Would you know a way I could read the report or what they said as I would love to have copy of that for my memory book for children. Will you let me know. I think awards ceremony is being held in the grovenor hotel as this is were it was held last year, but will check and let you know Annie.

Whippit profile image
Whippit in reply topoleglass

Yes, it was Frances Reid, Target Ovarian Cancer, who gave a presentation in the afternoon. She mentioned the awareness-raising initiatives in England, Scotland and Northern Ireland. She said how women with ovarian cancer had been active in getting their governments to support the awareness-raising campaigns.

I'd certainly pop by if you're in the Grosvenor to wish you well. it's an amazing achievement!

Hope to hear from you xxx love Anie

poleglass profile image
poleglass in reply toWhippit

frances travelled over to N. ireland the day of the debate which unanimously decide to fund ovarian cancer awareness campaign as it was such a momentous occasion. They are holding a womens together day in november in belfast for ovarian cancer sufferers, the first ever! We have no support over here so I am thrilled they are doing this. They supply me with all my awareness leaflets and posters all free and they are not even based here.They all keep in touch and sent me beautiful card when I was re diagnosed .They have been great. x

Whippit profile image
Whippit in reply topoleglass

I'm so glad you're getting support over there Una. It can be lonely campaigning and feeling you're somewhat isolated. It's amazing you're got this going in Northern Ireland. I'm afraid I haven't had any luck with the Wales Government on the awareness-raising front but they do have a lot on their plate at the moment with some very bad press viz a viz health care.

Three of us will be filming for our BBC Wales programme The Wales Report next week. It was all started by Chris (Darragh). I hope you get some support over there because what you're doing is amazing. Target are also amazing helping out people in all the regions and a very friendly bunch.

xxx Love, and best of luck for Monday Annie

poleglass profile image
poleglass in reply toWhippit

the women over here have no local support only me. It mkes me so mad that I have tp go to london to get leaflets and support of any kind.thats how bad the profile us over here. We are so isolated and its so hard for new women just diagnosed as they have no one to talk to. If I was cured i would do so much more but alas my with my illness I can only do the best i can for nw.x

Whippit profile image
Whippit in reply topoleglass

Dear Una, I feel exactly the same as you. The only reason we eventually got the Minister for Health for Wales to agree to review the lack of a cancer drugs fund is that Target invited me to give a talk at the APPG in Westminster about the unfair practices in Wales. I thank Target from the bottom of my heart for that - but it's still an uphill struggle as the Minister is facing resistance to setting up the fund. I can't imagine who is resisting it. It can't possibly the patients, their families or their friends and that must surely be most of the people in Wales. It's crazy we have to go to London to make our voices heard in Wales and Northern Ireland. What was devolution for if it wasn't to give a voice locally !!!!!

You are wonderful in what you do Una and I'm always so in awe of your singing to raise funds for the NI Hospice, the appeals to the Government in N Ireland and your tireless work to support other women. You always seem so gentle. Sometimes my anger and frustration gets to me. Particularly when I see my friends suffering from an unfair system.

Put it all behind you on Monday and enjoy the day/evening to the full. There's always another day to worry about others.

with love Annie

poleglass profile image
poleglass in reply toWhippit

oh! annie. I am like you I get so mad. I feel its all money related and we are at the bottom of the pecking order.I was in disbelief when I first started to speak out, as the profile of ovarian cancer over here was literally non. existent.Hopefully now , it will never be in the dark again and it will encourage future women to demand for better awareness and treatment. and I intend to keep on spreading the word.I have certainly rattled a few cages. and made ordinary women sit up and take notice. Am planning as long as my health prevails, to go into the secondary and grammar schools to give talks to 16 to 18yr. old girls on awareness. that way it will be passed to future generations plus their mothers and grandmthers. 3 generations will be covered.You should consider that too annie as I think you would be so good that.

Solange profile image

So sorry for your disappointing results, Una, especially sad after the euphoria of winning the Award. Keeping my fingers crossed for you. Hope you can enjoy a happy day in London,

My love and my very best wishes to you - a very brave lady, Solange

Sorry to hear that Una, but don't let it spoil that Magic Moment on Monday. You go and have a FANTASTIC day in London after all ITS YOUR DAY !! Love Trish xx

jennybutler profile image

Just want to wish you luck for next Monday I will be watching, please tell us all about it when you get back, As for your results try not to worry they are still treating you and that's good news and the ca125 did go down not up, have a great weekend your family must be so so proud of you. And I loved your voice and the song it made me cry.

love to you and yours Jenny xxx

kaz14 profile image

Una, so sorry your results were so disappointing hope you'll be able to get your teal dress, if you look even half as lovely on the outside as you are inside, you'll be the most beautiful lady there, all the very best, love Kaz xx

Izzystep profile image

Oh Una, the ups and downs of OV. Think only if the ups. The awards will be a fantastic night and I am sue you will dazzle everyone in your real dress. Let's hope the chemo will ZAP what's left. Enjoy your day/night in London xxxxx

Dear Una

I am really sorry that aspects of your results were disappointing, but it is good news that your treatment will go on. I hope they do show you on ITV on Tuesday. I will be looking out for you and raising a glass to celebrate your amazing achievements.

Love Ann xx

Zannah profile image

Dear Una,

I'm do sorry to read about your results.

It's good that you are focussing on London and your richly deserved reward!

Much love

Zannah x

angeladale profile image

Dear Una ,

What an amazing person you are ; so sorry about results , but oh my , how you are dealing with it all is an inspiration to us all .

Very best wishes to The Lady in Teal ,

Angela .

Dear Una,

I am sorry about your scan results this disease is a B---------d But you have so given so much over the last few months in the your quest to get information out there to many people. who I am sure will be oblivious that they may have OC.

DONT let this result spoil your trip to London I am sure you will not let this take away your special day. We all think you deserve it. Good luck with the dress and bandana .

Regards Barbara.

Kittywoggles profile image

I'm so sorry that you have had disappointing results from your scan, your medical team must think that the chemo is doing some thing good or they would have stopped treatment. My fingers and toes will be crossed for your next scan results to be more positive. Enjoy the awards ceremony and dazzle everyone in your teal dress.

Love Ally xx

TrishLey profile image

Sorry to hear your results were disappointing. I really hope you enjoy the Awards, you deserve to have a great night. I am in Ireland but if I can find them on my satellite stations I'll be looking out for you. xxx

ginger69 profile image

Dear Una,

Rollercoaster is the word I would use as well!

I know how disappointed you must be with the results.

Enjoy your special night, in your fabulous 'teal' gown, for your much deserved reward, and we all relish the fact that you are representing us all on behalf of 'Ovarian' and the 'cause'.

Well done to a 'Fabulous' Teal Soldier!

Love Janette x

Fitzy profile image

So sorry to hear your results were disappointing, but you are still getting treatment and it will still do some good! Well done for getting through to the final of the TV awards. Hope to see you on TV, but if not have a fantastic day - you deserve it!! :) :) :) xxxxxx Col

Jan76 profile image

Dear Una ,

Hasnt it all been rather topsy turvey the highs and lows but you so deserve your time in London and am sure they must give you the air time ..we want to see and hear you so do so many other women out there waiting to be inspired by you .

I am so sorry to hear your results were not what you were hoping for xx

Have a fab time in London ..looking forward to pics ..please .

Take care love Jan xxx

dee61 profile image

Una the ratings for the night will be sky high with all of us tuning in!! Thoughts and prayers for you and your family.

Dee xx

Una, sorry your results were disappointing. Go to London and enjoy every moment, it is so well deserved. I shall wear my teal badge as I watch out for you on the night, so come on ladies put your badges on in support of Una. Love Gill xxx

Yogini01uk profile image

Una you will knock them for six. The beautiful lady in teal. I am sorry you were disappointed with your scan results but just think if they didn't think it was worth it they wouldn't be giving you more chemo. You are in my prayers and I send healing thoughts to you. Love Jean. Xxxxx

Hilsuk profile image

so sorry to hear this Una, but know you will fight this _ you are one very strong beautiful lady -watched your tv clip and listerned to your beautiful singing with awe!

You will look stunning at the ceremony and dont let this spoil your fabulous day !


Hilary xx

Wiganw profile image

Hi una

Sorry to here your disappointing news. Keep trying to be positive and enjoy Monday. Keep up the good work we all appreciate it.

Sharon x

Btte profile image

can't wait to see the lovely lady in teal, I have prayed to St. Peregrine who I believe is the Patron Saint of cancer sufferers for you. Stay strong and know that we are here for you. love Btte.

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