We are planning a spectacular event in Cardiff Civic Centre on Sunday 8 May which is World Ovarian Cancer Day. We shall be lighting up the City Hall Teal to launch Wales' Official Ovarian Cancer Awareness Year. One of the UK's foremost samba bands has offered us a free performance so the drums will be rolling as the lights turn teal. The event is being supported by the NHS, the Minister of Health and the women's groups who are supporting the campaign and who will be our communication route across Wales. We hope that WOOCAY will ensure every woman in Wales will have heard of Ovarian Cancer, she will know the symptoms to look for, and she will take action if necessary.
One special group will be joining us. Our local guide company. They will be giving out 247 teal lanterns - one for every woman who lost her life to ovarian cancer in Wales in 2015. Most importantly though our Guides will be a heartwarming and joyful reminder that a cure for this disease is within grasp and that we expect the next generation of women will see this achieved within their lifetime.
If you're in the Cardiff area that evening please join us: 8:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. City Hall, Cardiff Civic Centre, CF10 3ND