I have been in hospital since saturday being pumped constantly with antibiotics and fluids as dehydrated,started last thursday (the day before felt great did spring cleaning )next day Thursday started to feel tired and very weak feeling faint when i stood up so went to bed and slept for ages next morning got up went to work still tired and feeling light headed bit hot but thought get on with it.By Saturday no way could I work stayed in bed slight temperature by the time my daughter saw me I was nearly out of it my doctor called in and said hospital with in the hour my body was going septic. my heart racing and boy I felt awful ( this was 12 days after my last chemo.) Girls dont delay if you get a temperature act immediately I was an idiot, My lovely onc. came to see me wagging his finger at me and told me off for not taking my temperature or calling the hospital directly as soon as feit unwell. let my experience warn you all act quickly, he said I could have died it is so serious to leave.On the mend again now still tired but ok. love Jenny
ACT QUICKLY: I have been in hospital since... - My Ovacome

Hi Jenny,
I am so sorry, what a terrible experience thank you so much for the warning (it could save lives) sending you my best wishes for a speedy recovery love x G x
Great to blog this warning, Sandra had similar in 2010 but her GP ignored her feelings and unknown to everyone she went septic. Started hallunications but kept putting it off. Eventually it was a 999 call and whipped into nearest AandE hospital. The duty doc took me to one side and said she may not make it through the day. She had developed Empyema, her plueral effusion fluid went to pus, emergency chest drain followed. She was hospitalised 7 weeks, her pus took 5 weeks and 27 litres. Also a spleen drain 7 litres and if that was,nt enough, she complained of severe pain in her arm which was ignored for 2 weeks until they found it was broken. The paramedics may have fractured it whilst lifting her.
Now I take her temp at least twice a day esp when having chemo. You can see why i,m very protective to her when dealing with her health and doctors. Love Paul xx

How awful mine was bad enough I forgot to say had a blood transfusion as well,hope Sandra doing ok she really has been through a lot must be a very strong person and we all know what a great support you are to her love to both Jenny
Oh Jenny! How awful! I did the same after my first op! Ignored the pain because I thought it was "normal" and ended up in hospital on the Wirral on IV antibiotics and blood transfusions. The trouble is chemo depletes the imune system and we really do need to take temperatures regularly to nip these things in the bud!
Sending you positive vibes together with a bit of finger wagging of my own! Sod the cleaning! It will still be there when you feel better and, if you apply for Attendance Allowance, which my MAcMillan nurse did on my behalf, you can pay someone else to do it as I do! Once a week my friend Ruth hoovers through, dusts and changes my bed. As a result I keep my energy for the things I enjoy doing!
Hugs! Margaret!
Crikey Jenny! What an awful experience. No wonder you wanted to put off chemotherapy for so long. I'm really sorry that you've got an infection from it.
I hadn't realised you're working as well. I know it's not possible for everyone to take sick leave but I wonder if you can cut down your hours to help your body recover from the toxic dose of chemotherapy.
Sending loads and loads of love xxxx Annie
As i am self employed i have to work but have a good team around me we have an art gallery and picture framers in Bristol and it takes my mind off my illness so never mind going to work. thankyou all for your love and kind thoughts Jenny
I'd love to visit your gallery. Perhaps I can persuade you to stop for a half-hour and have a coffee?
xxx Annie
Yes that would be great we are in union st in Bristol, called Art Original we have over 500 paintings on view at any time and we are the largest gallery in the south west. lots of love Jenny xxx
Dear Jenny, so sorry to hear this and I hope you are well on the mend now. I found this site through your daughter who as you know is a lovely girl. I too am trying to work through my chemo. Thanks for the warning , trouble is us ladies tend to ignore aches and pains and carry on. O viously not a good idea. Take care lots of love Dawn xxx
Hi Jenny, I am sorry to hear you have had such a bad time, but what an excellent blog post. Your immune systems are so compromised that it is essential to take extra care. Your story is a reminder of the potential consequences of ignoring things while on chemo. Thanks for sharing and I hope all goes well from now on.
Andy x
Sorry you've had such an awful experience Jenny and hope you will soon be on the mend. And a great idea to post this as advice for others who might experience the same. Well done.
Lots of love & hugs
Mary xx
Hi Jenny what a terrible time and scary. Glad that you are on the mend and hope things get better soon. Thank you for taking the time to high light these issues to other ladies here.
Take lots care
Ally xx
Hi Jenny
Sorry you've had such a bad time. You have made me feel less of a fraud for contacting the onc unit (and being sent to the AMU) when I had a temperature. In my case they've never been able to pinpoint an infection, so me and my CNS have come to an agreement, I only call if my temp goes over 37.8 if I'm feeling well, with no other problems. This is because my temperature can quite happily go to 37.7 with no signs of infection! Luckily it's not done that in ages!
Take care
Hi, Jenny.
I'm sorry you had such awful experience. And I hope you will get better soon.
So sorry for what you've been through, Jenny, and thank you for thinking to give everyone the warning not to delay. I think a lot of women are afraid of looking as though we're making a fuss so dither and wait too long, even though they're really concerned.
Hope you feel loads better soon, love, Solange
Well done for getting better and getting over it - good luck with your last chemo xx
thanks for that xxx