I was offered the Javelin 100 trial for my OC3 cancer and signed up last week. I have an appointment tomorrow for results of CT scan. Just spoke to liaison nurse who wouldn't give me any info over the phone. I'm petrified that something has shown up. How do people deal with getting results? I'm not doing so well atm.
About to start 1st line chemo: I was offered the... - OvaCare
About to start 1st line chemo

I'm afraid it's part of the journey good luck to you. Take each day as it comes. It is what it is keep yourself occupied with family and friends.
I'm afraid there is no easy way of dealing with getting results. I am fourteen years post ovarian cancer and ten post bowel, and I still get butterflies when I go back for my annual check ups and blood tests results. It is part of the journey. If it would help, have someone with you. I can understand the liaison nurse not giving any information over the phone. It is all part of the protocol. I hope all goes well for you. My thoughts and prayers are with you.
Hi Mary and welcome to the site. Getting a Cancer Diagnosis isn't pleasant. At this stage you have had your appointment and I hope it went well for you. Sometimes it takes a while to click with our Gynae liaison nurses. Don't worry about that because I would hope by this time you have her mobile no to ring her and ask questions. I wish you well with the trial. If you are anywhere near Cork 0vacare are holding a coffee morning at Imperial Hotel South Mall last Saturday July at 11am and you will meet with some of us in a non clinical relaxed setting. It helps you feel not so much alone. There will probably be a patient day up the country in the autumn.. Go to the 0vacare web page and have a look. Best wishes

Just assume it's bad news and you won't be disappointed.
Seriously though, you will be sad, then a little mad, then you will resign yourself to the fact that you have to get better, no matter what it takes.
Good luck, people are here for you, here, and in real life, don't forget that.
Sorry for not updating on this for so long. That scan was clear and I went on the trial. Just completed cycle 4 of Carbo/Taxol but now off the trial due to reactions to Taxol and the necessity of changing from Taxol to Docataxol which no longer meets the Javelin 100 protocol. However I did get an extra scan as a trial patient last week and it also was clear. So all going well so far. Phew!
Great news... we do sometimes hear or read that the oncologists aren't quite sure how many cycles are essential and that 4 is a magic number where you may have derived maximum benefit and if things are tough they'll let you off one or two.