New update.: Met with my Dr today , cancer found on... - OvaCare


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New update.

9 Replies

Met with my Dr today , cancer found on omentum so now upgraded to stage 3a ,they also found womb cancer at stage 1 , that has been removed and told no further treatment for that , but still a shock , then started talking about lynch syndrome and been genetically tested for it ( but after chemo completed) when it rains it's pours eh!

Appointment to discuss chemo 28th June ,tomorrow 1 of my friends taking me for manicure , all family and friends have been absolutely fantastic , feeling ok but nervous about chemo but needs must

( also healing really well from surgery )

Sorry for the ramble

Diane xx

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9 Replies
HogwartsDK profile image

Hey Diane!

Sorry you got that news today! Don't worry too much about Chemo it's no picnic but it's very doable and you will get through it!

Onwards and Upwards!


Choski profile image

Ramble on but not at you did!! The Pathology reports tend to throw up some 'excitement' don't they?! Just as you had your head around the diagnosis they change it, take a deep breath and remember that you are the same fantastic woman that you were before all this started, actually you're better as you have already found, and will find tremendous strength, courage and attitude. Yes there will no doubt be a wobble or two but we in this club are brilliant and we must remind each other! Glad to hear you're having a nice manicure treat today. Chemo discussion will probably be a bit surreal, mine was as it all became a bit more 'real' on that day! Ask lots of questions and take notes!

My hubby and I mark my journey through chemo by wearing little numbered badges for the whole three weeks until the next session, we're now in number 4 - I wear mine on my combat type hat that I wear all the time (cant be bothered with my wig) and hubby wears his on his shirts. I can't believe how the time has flown since my tests first started (Jan) and my diagnosis in March after surgery - we seem to have lost 2016,!!

Take care and keep 'rambling' on here, it really helps

Clare X

annieH1 profile image

Hi Diane,of course it's a shock when you hear news like that but,you will deal with it with determination and courage, like all the women on here do.The chemo is a necessary evil but as was said it doable,the worst side effect I found was constipation so make sure you have Movicol or senokot. It can only get better after this as now there's a plan in place and its onwards and upwards.xx

Yes I agree with the other ladies, it is a huge shock to the system to hear you need chemo, good luck with the appointment tommorow . Once you have a plan and a treatment in place, it wont be so bad. Try and go out and enjoy today and deal with the rest tomorrow, Treatment is doable, we have ups and downs but we get there,

ellseybellsey profile image


Sorry to hear your news, I also got mixed news yesterday, but I came away from meeting the surgeon with quite a positive attitude that no matter what the first lot of chemo is having very good results, after surgery I will have three more rounds. So stay positive about having the chemo.

All the best for the future

Ellsey xx

lesleysage profile image

Morning Diane,

I have had genetic testing for Lynch's Syndrome due to my Dad dying of bowel cancer, my ovarian clear cell st5age 3c and my cousin (daughter of my Dad's eldest brother). No genetic link has been found but I found the counsellor guiding me (at Nottingham University Clinical Genetics dept) helped my 'journey' through life with this disease. My oncologist can be brusk and blunt (down sides as well as positives!) but the counsellor's approach was really even-keeled, caring, clear and knowledgeable.

Good luck with the treatment and so pleased you have caring and supportive family and friends. They will feel their own distress and it helps you all (I found anyway) to be honest and open with each other so that the respect, love and support can win through.

Hope your day is good,


thesilent1 profile image

Hi Diane, sorry I'm just replying to you now. The other ladies have said it all really. Make sure you drink lots of water following chemo. My mantra was one day at a time. If you feel tired, go with it. Be kind to yourself.Good luck tomorrow. Ann x

Rosanne123 profile image

Please ask for the cold cap it keeps your hair first time around I didn't no but this time I knew about it they told me it wasn't any point as I Alteady had one but my hair is thick and long now good luck xx

Thank you all for your reply's you've all been a great help , knowing I'm not alone , I've had a tough weekend , first wobble , I thought I was holding it together but I wasn't , I've arranged time out with friends all week and going to a cancer self help center this afternoon, just need to keep my self occupied , thank you all again.

Diane xx

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