Does anyone else suffer from peripheral neuropathy while on Avastin . I an on it 4 months an also v tired . Is this normal side effect . I have stage 3 oc an have had chemo an surgery .??
Avastin: Does anyone else suffer from peripheral... - OvaCare
Hello Concepta. Delighted to read your posting, and notice you are a relatively new member. Anyway, on your specific posting,. Neuropathy is one of the common side effects of both some chemotherapy drugs and Avastin. I have neuropathy in both feet for the past 18 months, but i was prescribed specific painkillers to help, and they did. It is only 1 big toe that suffers badly now - but like everything else - we get used to a certain amount of pain and discomfort when on treatment. Tell your oncologist or liaison nurse when you next have treatment and a suitable drug will be prescribed, or possible a nerve conductive test to check that no permanent damage is done.
FYI: I have recurrent OvCa and I suppose it could be called a chronic disease at this point, as my original diagnosis was made at the end of 2010 - so there is hope.
Best wishes . Daisies
PS - you might notice my posting on Avastin - Again from earlier this week. Would be delighted with your comments.
My poor feet especially do get sore but a soak in a dish of water with epsom salts helps. There is tiredness some get it more than others. You can also have neuropathy from the chemo and it takes a while to go. Again for your feet a nice comfy shoe or sandal or runner, I find sketchers go walk 2 comfy enough. My work doc who did oncology said it actually takes some time for the Avastin to get into your system and affect you, she estimated 6 months and then it hits like a brick wall
Hi There. I've been having Avastin for the last 18months. Normally I'm fine with it but occasionally I suffer from sore feet, leg cramps etc. I take pain killers and get the hubbie to rub my feet !