hi so went to physio today.it was for my lower back. physio said I have a curve in my spine and its caused by whatever is causing my swollen stomach(muscles?).is it is a cyst/tumour as I ahve always claimed.?
back pain: hi so went to physio today.it was for my... - OvaCare
back pain
Hi Anbuma, sorry you are having so much trouble. Your spine could be curved for several reason. I have two curves near my shoulders and my lower back but they were totally unrelated to my illness. I was told it was because I wasnt sitting up straight at work or at home watching telly. Both I couldnt argue with because I am a sloucher. You can get a lumbar support for your chair at home, it is reasonable enough. We can get them in our local retail stores for a few euro or pounds. If you want to go more expensive than that, you can but check with physio first. I do hope you get your tummy resolved and a scan that shows if anything is wrong
I finally think my brother is agreeing with me that there has to be a reason fro huge stomach and that it is not IBS as he asked me about the weight gain etc
Have you been back to the doctor for bloods etc and any results yet?
I did but he only told me my CA125 results which by the way were still elevated but only by a small amount.have asked for copies to be sent to me as didn't get the others(fibro fog).when walking my dogs this morning in so much pain in my pelvis-had to keep stopping.(pelvic pain associated with hard swollen stomach-what else but OC?)
thinking my brother was relating to me on everything then his wife says I had a scan last January and it was clear -my response was that was a year ago!! things happen in a year and my symptoms getting worse over 2 year period.leaves the question why do doctors mistake OC for a bowel condition-know this for a fact and so true as others have said its happened to them and poor Babs who passed away last month was originally told hers was a bowel condition.its not only these symptoms -when I saw dr with swollen legs he just dismissed it not giving me any reason-now legs still swollen and hair loss underarms as well as eyebrow hair loss last year and hair lanky one day after shampooing-then thats another forum