Please help . Someone posted a list of blood test that your doctor should do before you take any medicines for OP. It had a test listed for bone markers and if your calcium was being absorbed in your bones among many other blood work test. Can someone please repost that long list of test? I would really appreciate it. Thank you in advance.
Blood work your doctor should order b... - Osteoporosis Support
Blood work your doctor should order before prescribing medications for OP
Lani Simpson, in her book on osteoporosis, lists relevant tests for markers. If you google your question, it will also list the tests. Here's a link too:
Thank you . I to use WebMD . This is very helpful information. I have too much K not vitamin K but potassium K . I believe someone made a comment with a link to all the test that should run before starting any drug treatment for OP. It was a long list with only test. Markers was on the list. As was D and calcium but not the blood calcium but a test to show exactly how much your bones was absorbing the calcium ( calcium decency ).I’m not sure but some of the test were to help rule out secondary causes for OP, and some so your progress could be compared to before and after ( and or)stopping ) drug medications . I would like the list to have some of those test taken plus to educate my doctors.
Potassium is not vitamin K. K is the symbol for potassium on the periodic table. Vitamin K and potassium are two entirely different things and it is best not to refer to potassium by it's periodic table symbol.
yes I know this and it is my potassium K that is way to high, so says my endocrinologist after my last blood work. If you read what I posted it say not my vitamin K but my potassium K meaning the symbol by placing the K after the word potassium. Do forgive me as my father was a chemist.
Yes, I knew what you meant, but I recommend for the sake of others on this platform that you drop the K and just call it potassium. Many ppl come to this site looking for help and advice and reading potassium K could be confusing—many people don’t know that the period table labels potassium as K. Additionally, potassium can be lethal—it would be horrible if some were to misunderstand your post and start taking potassium supplements and suffer an adverse effect.
If you go to my bio, I have 3 links you can cut and paste into your browser. One of the links is the list of tests and another of the links is a pdf on bone turnover markers. Make sure you do these tests FASTING. Also you should do them before starting osteo-meds and then do the appropriate bone turnover marker test after starting meds, if you decide to take them, about 3 months after you start. I'm pretty sure that HRT and bisphophonates are supposed to effect the same marker--if you start bisphosphonates and the specific marker is not coming down, it's my understanding that this is a sign that bisphosphonates are not working for you. It is pointless to take serious meds for 2 years waiting for another DEXA only to learn that the med didn't work for you. Also, if you are in GB you should consider calling the ROS. I'm in the US but from the posts I have seen on this website the ROS is very helpful and can help answer any questions you may have.
Here is a helpful article on this topic from American Bone Health.
This article also runs down many of the medical conditions, medicines, and other factors that can cause "secondary" bone loss -- that is, not caused by age-related hormone changes.