Hello. I had a root canal about ten years ago and now I have significant pain in the gum of that tooth. My endodontist showed me the film of that tooth and said there’s a crack in a root and infected. He showed me the bone loss surrounding the tooth I was shocked! Any opinion on fosamax and prolia? Thanks.
Root Canal Failure: Hello. I had a root... - Osteoporosis Support
Root Canal Failure

The infection could have been causing the bone loss. Are you currently taking any bone meds? Most of them have bad effects on the jawbone which is why dentists don't like them. Most people who have posted about prolia on this forum have strong opinions about prolia, nearly all of them bad. Fosamax is a bisphosphonate. There was an old disease called fossie jaw, common in young women who had to work with phosphorus when making matches, so that tells you all you need to know about the possible harmful effects of any bisphosphonate, especially if taken for more than a couple of years.
Thank you for explaining to me. I’ve been off fosamax for ten years, prolia is being promoted by my pcp. Last winter I fell and fractured my kneecap,I could’ve broken a hip or ankle but I was lucky. I’m going to pass on prolia, thanks for helping me decide.
Have a read of my story. It's a bit old now, but the "bones" of what I did (still do) are, I think, still sound, and may give you some ideas:
I’m very interested in the connection between gum disease and bone loss. I am waiting to see dentist about an infected tooth. I was told 10 years ago that there was some infection under a large molar that has been crowned. My jaw is tender and I think I will have to have the tooth extracted. I was
diagnosed with osteoporosis 3 years ago. I have never taken any medication for it just vitamin D3 & K2 kept active, good diet ( vegetarian) but my Dexa scan last month showed a deterioration from the previous scan in 2017. I am 84 this month and so far haven’t broken any bones! My GP prescribed bisphonates for 3 years! I will not be taking her advice, just keep my fingers crossed I will be ok. Luckily I don’t have any other health issues and am not on any medication. You are very knowledgeable about bone health so what else can I do to last a few more years LOL!🤔
Hi kleelibby, gum disease can cause bone loss. Sometimes they do use bisphosphonate drugs to stop the bone loss.
Here's the latest guidance from the American Dental Association about osteoporosis medicines (for fracture prevention, not for gum disease): americanbonehealth.org/oste...
"The potential morbidity and mortality associated with osteoporosis-related fracture is considerable and treatment with antiresorptive agents outweighs the low risk of MRONJ in patients with osteoporosis receiving these drugs."
Thanks for the information. I see that those with periodontal disease are at higher risk for jaw problems with these drugs, that’s why I’m conflicted. Stronger bones makes good sense but at what price?
I'd have a good discussion with your dentist. Just as an ophthalmologist may be much more aware of the possibility of vision loss with giant cell arteritis (GCA) than a GP or even a rheumatologist, a dentist may be much more aware of the problems (and possible benefits) of bone meds.
What, by the way, is your t-score according to your latest DXA scan?
The endodontist referred me back to my dentist for tooth extraction. It’s supposed to happen tomorrow. Not happy about that. I was to have a bone density scan this year but due to covid it hasn’t happened yet. Waiting isn’t something I’m good at. Thanks for your thoughts, always helpful.
Keep in touch. I'm sure things will look up once the bad tooth is dealt with. 🌼
The root canal failure tooth was infected under the crown and extracted. A week of amoxicillin. I’m going to push for a bone scan when I see my pcp next month. I need to get proactive. Thank you all for your input!
I had a tooth like that. Years ago. There was a root canal and then a crown, but it turned out the tooth was cracked so low grade infection continued. it was extracted and I guess there must have been no concern about bone at the time because no one said anything. They showed me the x-ray of the area where the infection was. I was a lot younger then, although well into middle age.
Thank you for this information, I’ll look into it. I’ve declined to take these meds.