After being in 24/7 chronic pain for 5.5 months, figured out it was unlikely to be reflux as my throat burning pain was constant. It didn’t go up or down. Was prescribed Amitriptyline for pain management and view from specialist pain team was that i had nerve pain from a hypersensitive and hyperactive nerve which went into overdrive and couldn’t stitch itself off after the initial throat issues i had. The nerve pain was worse when I ate, which made me think the burning in my throat and upper esophagus was reflux. It looks now like it was nerve pain. Once the pain levels went down i returned to eating normally with no reflux type symptoms.
Not reflux after all?: After being in 2... - Acid Reflux Support
Not reflux after all?
I'm glad you found some relief! How were you finally diagnosed?
Also how many milligrams of Amitriptyline are you taking a day and how long did it take for the Amitriptyline to work?
Right now I have something similar, but it's not 24/7 and sometimes radiates to chest. Taking Diltiazem help to relax the throat muscles and Voquezna for acid suppression. Have been thinking about switching to Amitriptyline instead of the Diltiazem.
I read your post with interest, as I think this is something that I might have too, but trying to get anyone to listen is hopeless. Could I ask what dose of amitriptyline you take?
Thanks for this. My reflux symptoms are a burning mouth, diagnosed as caused by silent reflux. So I'm not aware of the reflux at all. Another theory that I've read about is that it could be caused by nerve damage similar to what you are describing in your throat only in the mouth. I've kind of given up on doctors with this problem. Its been ongoing for years.
I have something very similar going on. Specialist at Reflux UK diagnosed a hypersensitive oesophagus as well as an excess of bad bacteria in my small intestines, through various tests for Hydrogen and Methane. This caused terrible acid reflux for about 3-4 months. The bacteria have been treated with antibiotics and I have followed a Low Fodmap diet cutting out gluten, lactose and anything likely to ferment for 6 weeks. Wine and beer are fine as they've fermented already!There is a great app from Monash University, Melbourne which indicates which foods don't cause so many digestive problems. Great improvement in my digestion issues and am no longer constipated.I do suffer from Fibromyalgia which means that I feel pain more intensely than most people so am on 40mg of Paroxetene (an anti-deppressant) to calm things down.
Just a bit of information that may help.